her lietuviškai

her vertimas , pron jos, jai, ją iš she.

  • her ZZZetcZZZ face fell () nusivylęs, apviltas, jo/jos veidas apsiniaukė, puolęs į neviltį, nevykėlis
  • of her own (adj.) savas, nuosavas, savo, paties
  • off her guard (adj.) praradęs budrumą, nejučiom, netikėtai
  • to her () jam, jį, juo, jame
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (pronoun) [used as the form of "she" after a preposition or as the object of a verb]
  • (adjective) belonging to her (the female subject)
  • (emblem) emblem indicating the right of a person to bear arms

-her sinonimai -its $iµetc$/iµ -name, what's-his, what's-his/her/its-name

her sinonimai his, its, theirs, herself, him, himself, his, it, its, self, to her, to him, his nibs

Netoliese her esantys žodžiai