hissing lietuviškai
hissing vertimas švilpimas
- Madagascar hissing cockroach Madagaskaro šnypčiantysis tarakonas
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (noise) a fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval)
- (emit) to make a sharp hissing sound, as if to show disapproval
- (travel) to move with a whooshing sound
- (talk) to express or utter with a hiss
- (condemn) to show displeasure, as after a performance or speech
hissing sinonimai fizzle, hiss, hushing, sibilation
hiss sinonimai bird, boo, Bronx cheer, fizzle, hissing, hoot, hushing, raspberry, razz, razzing, sibilation, snort, barrack, boo, boo at, catcall, condemn, hoot, jeer, jeer at, ridicule, sibilate, siss, sizz, whoosh
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