hold lietuviškai
hold vertimas 1. v (held) 1) laikyti(s); išlaikyti; 2) amer. sulaikyti (areštuoti); 3) turėti (savyje), talpinti; 4) vadovauti; valdyti; to hold a meetingsurengti susirinkimą; 5) kar. ginti; to hold at bay neprileisti; hold hard! stok!; to hold back a) abejoti; (su)silaikyti; b) trukdyti; c) laikyti paslaptyje; to hold down laikyti priespaudoje; priversti; to hold forth samprotauti, daug kalbėti; to hold off atidėlioti; to hold on a) laikytis (už ko nors); b) sustoti; to hold out a) priešintis; b) užtekti (atsargų); to hold out for reikalauti; to hold over atidėlioti, atidėti; to hold to laikytis (nuomonės); to hold together su(si)vienyti, susijungti; to hold up a) palaikyti; sulaikyti; b) sutrukdyti; c) amer.plėšti; to hold with sutikti su; pritarti;2.n 1) (laivo) triumas; 2) užgrobimas; laikymas; valdymas; to hold catch/take hold of nusitverti (ko); 3)perk. valdžia; to have a hold on turėti įtakos kam nors; to lay hold of kontroliuoti; to let go one's hold ofišleisti iš rankų
- take hold (v.) laikyti, imti vadovauti, pasiimti saugoti
- cargo hold (n.) triumas
- not hold back (v.) leisti sau, duoti valią
- hold close (v.) gniaužti
- hold firm (v.) laikytis, nepasiduoti, priešintis
- keep hold of laikyti, nepaleisti
- hold water (v.) įtikinti
- hold dear (v.) mylėti, puoselėti
- hold tight (v.) gniaužti
- hold still for (v.) pakęsti
- hold in (v.) nuslėpti, slėpti, laikyti ką paslaptyje, nutylėti, pasilaikyti sau, nepasakyti apie, laikyti paslaptyje, laikyti, kontroliuoti, reguliuoti, prižiūrėti
- hold-all (n.) didelis krepšys, kelionmaišis
- take hold of (v.) gniaužti, griebti
- hold hands (with someone) laikytis už rankų
- hold open (v.) vesti, išlaikyti
- hold up (v.) užpulti, pasiremti, apramstyti, atremti, paremti, sulaikyti, užlaikyti, išlaikyti, išsilaikyti, gyventi iš, maitintis, misti, verstis, ištverti, išgyventi, gyventi, patirti, įtikinti, atsilaikyti prieš, atlaikyti, priešintis, stoti prieš, ignoruoti
- hold forth (v.) postringauti
- hold back (v.) sulaikyti, abejoti, dvejoti, svyruoti, svirduliuoti, klupčioti, spyriotis, nerodyti noro, nesiryžti, sustabdyti, stabdyti, nuslėpti, slėpti, laikyti ką paslaptyje, nutylėti, pasilaikyti sau, nepasakyti apie, laikyti paslaptyje, laikyti, patraukti, išlaikyti, užlaikyti, laukti, palaukti, sukliudyti, padaryti galą, užbaigti, sulėtinti, sutrukdyti, priversti atsilikti
- hold one's breath sulaikyti kvėpavimą, užgniaužti kvapą
- hold prisoner () paimti į nelaisvę, įkalinti
- hold off (v.) sulaikyti, atsimušti, atsiginti, atmušti, atremti, laukti, palaukti
- hold one's own (v.) nepasiduoti, laikytis, priešintis
- hold under (v.) engti
- get hold of (v.) gauti, nutverti, pagauti, pasiekti, paimti, imti, įsigyti
- hold down (v.) engti, išlaikyti
- hold fast (v.) lipti
- hold on (v.) išlaikyti, išsilaikyti, laikytis už, nepadėti ragelio, palaukti, užsispirti, atkakliai ką daryti, eiti pirmyn, stengtis iš visų jėgų, viešėti, apsistoti, nutverti, sugriebti, laikyti, turėti
- hold one's ground (v.) atsispirti, susilaikyti
- hold over (v.) atidėti, pasinaudoti pasiūlymu vėliau
- hold the line (v.) palaukti
- hold to ransom () laikyti įkaitu
- hold in contempt (v.) atsisakyti, atsakyti, atmesti, žiūrėti iš aukšto
- hold out (v.) atsilaikyti, išlaikyti, ištverti, ištiesti, laikytis savo pozicijų, atsispirti, susilaikyti, išsilaikyti, gyventi iš, maitintis, misti, verstis, išgyventi, gyventi, patirti, išlikti, laikyti, užtekti, nešiotis
- hold someone hostage (v.) paimti, laikyti įkaitu, paimti/laikyti įkaitu
- hold up one's end (v.) prasimušti, suklestėti, pasisekti, pavykti, savo pasiekti, nugalėti visus sunkumus, kam pasisekti, aukštai iškilti, padaryti karjerą
- (grasping) the act of grasping
- (understanding) understanding of the nature, meaning, quality, or magnitude of something
- (attribute noun) power by which something or someone is affected or dominated Type of: control
- (pause) time during which some action is awaited
- (confinement) a state of being confined (usually for a short time)
- (prison cell) a cell in a jail or prison
- (appendage) the appendage to an object that is designed to be held to use or move it
- (enclosure) the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
- (defensive structure) a strongly fortified defensive structure
- (maintain) to keep in a certain state, position, or activity
- (take hold) to have or hold in one's hands or grip
- (throw) to organize or be responsible for
- (feature) to have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense
- (see) to keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view
- (feel) to maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings)
- (disable) to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement
- (hold on) to secure and keep for possible future use or application
- (rights, titles, offices) of rights, titles, and offices, to have rightfully
- (support) to be the physical support of; to carry the weight of
- (include) to contain or hold; to have within
- (accommodate) to have room for; to hold without crowding
- (continue) to remain in a certain state, position, or condition Type of: continue
- (support, hold, certain) to support or hold in a certain manner
- (exist) to be valid, applicable, or true
- (affirm) to assert or affirm Type of: affirm. Similar to: deem
- (have, major characteristic) to have as a major characteristic Type of: be
- (be capable, holding) to be capable of holding or containing
- (request) to arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance
- (protect) to protect against a challenge or attack
- (oblige) to bind by an obligation; to cause to be indebted
- (capture) to hold the attention of Type of: capture
- (think) to remain committed to Type of: think
- (resist) to resist or confront with resistance
- (refer) to be pertinent, relevant, or applicable
- (postpone) to stop dealing with Type of: postpone
- (hold in) to lessen the intensity of; to hold in restraint; to hold or keep within limits
- (keep, departing) to keep from departing Type of: prevent
- (command) to take and maintain control over, often by violent means Type of: control. Similar to: defend
- (stop) to cause to stop
- (cover) to cover as for protection against noise or smell Type of: cover
- (drink) to drink alcohol without showing ill effects
- (take aim) to aim, point, or direct Type of: take aim
- (evaluate) to declare to be
- (agree) to be in accord; to be in agreement
- (forestall) to keep from exhaling or expelling Type of: prevent
hold sinonimai appreciation, cargo area, cargo deck, cargo hold, clasp, clench, clutch, clutches, comprehension, custody, delay, detainment, detention, foothold, grasp, grip, haft, handgrip, handhold, handle, hilt, internment, keep, ken, perception, postponement, shaft, shank, storage area, timelag, time lag, understanding, wait, helve, call hold, accommodate, adhere, adjudge, admit, agree, apply, arrest, bear, believe, bind, book, carry, carry on, celebrate, check, clasp, clinch, cling, clutch, come about, comprehend, comprise, concord, concur, confine, conserve, consider, consider as, consider to be, contain, continue, control, curb, declare, deem, defend, defy, delay, detain, embrace, encompass, endure, entertain, esteem as, fall out, feel, filibuster, find, give, go along with, go for, go on, grasp, guard, halt, hang on, hap, happen, happen to, harbor, harbour, have, have got, hold back, hold good, hold in, hold on, hold the line, hold up, include, incorporate, jam, keep, keep back, keep up, look upon as, maintain, make, moderate, nurse, obligate, oblige, obstruct, obtain, occupy, occur, pass, pass off, perform, persist, possess, preserve, preside over, prevail, proceed, remain, reserve, restrain, retain, settle on, stand up to, stick, support, sustain, take, take for, take hold, take place, take to be, think, throw, view as, withstand, come to pass, engage, carry on, continue, endure, give, have, keep up, last, maintain, proceed, sustain, hang on, be in the possession of, be in the way, comprise, contain, delay, detain, get in the way, hamper, have, have at one's disposal, have at one's disposition, have in one's possession, have in possession, hinder, hold up, impede, incorporate, jam, keep back, keep in one's possession, occupy, own, possess, practise, retain possession of, stand in the way, take in, withhold, perform, practice