hurt lietuviškai
hurt vertimas 1. v (hurt) 1) sukelti skausmą; padaryti žalos; to get hurt susižeisti; to hurt oneself užsigauti, susižeisti; 2) sužeisti, sumušti;perk. įžeisti, užgauti; 3)šnek. skaudėti;2. n nuostolis; žala
- hurt s.o.'s feelings (v.) įžeisti
- be hurt (v.) įsižeisti, piktintis, jaustis įskaudintam
- feel hurt (v.) įsižeisti, piktintis, jaustis įskaudintam
- get hurt (v.) užsigauti, susižeisti
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (ill health) any physical damage to the body caused by violence, accident, fracture, or so on
- (distress) psychological suffering
- (feelings, mental, physical) feelings of mental or physical pain
- (impairment) a damage or loss
- (change of integrity) the act of damaging something or someone
- (cause to be perceived) to be the source of pain
- (indispose) to give trouble or pain to Type of: indispose. Causes: ache
- (upset) to cause emotional anguish or make miserable
- (endamage) to cause damage or affect negatively
- (arouse) to hurt the feelings of
- (perceive) to feel physical pain
- (be) to feel pain or be in pain
- (injured) suffering from physical injury, especially that suffered in battle
- (damaged) damaged inanimate objects or their value
hurt sinonimai affronted, aggrieved, damaged, harmed, hit, injured, insulted, nettled, offended, resentful, weakened, wounded, damage, detriment, distress, harm, injury, measure, mischief, scathe, slur, suffering, trauma, ache, be in pain, injure, smart, suffer, wound, get hurt, aggrieve, anguish, bruise, distress, injure, offend, pain, spite, wound
Netoliese hurt esantys žodžiai