innocent lietuviškai
innocent vertimas 1. a 1) nekaltas; 2) nežalingas; 3) naivus; 2. n 1) nekaltas žmogus; 2) naivuolis
- Pope Innocent III Inocentas III
- Pope Innocent IV Inocentas IV
- Pope Innocent IX Inocentas IX
- Pope Innocent Popiežius Inocentas
- Pope Innocent II Inocentas II
- Pope Innocent X Inocentas X
- Pope Innocent XI Inocentas XI
- Pope Innocent XII Inocentas XII
- Pope Innocent XIII Inocentas XIII
- (person) a person who lacks knowledge of evil
- (guiltless) free from evil or guilt
- (harmless) lacking intent or capacity to injure
- (virtuous) free from sin
- (naïve) lacking in sophistication or worldliness
- (uninformed) not knowledgeable about something specified
- (non-existent) completely wanting or lacking
- (unconscious) of things, lacking sense or awareness Similar to: unconscious
innocent sinonimai artless, barren, blameless, chaste, clean-handed, clear, destitute, devoid, faultless, free, guileless, guiltless, gullible, harmless, honest, immaculate, impeccant, ingenuous, innocuous, inoffensive, irreproachable, jejune, naive, naïve, natural, pure, safe, simple, sinless, spotless, unacquainted, unaffected, uncomplicated, uncultivated, uncultured, unoffending, unsophisticated, unsullied, unsuspicious, untainted, unworldly, virginal, inexperienced person, naïve