Svetainėje naudojami slapukai (cookies), kurie padeda užtikrinti jums teikiamų paslaugų kokybę. Išjungdami šį pranešimą arba tęsdami naršymą sutinkate su mūsų slapukų naudojimo politika.

ins lietuviškai

ins vertimas n pl: the ins and (the) outs a) užkaboriai, vingiai; b) detalės, smulkmenos; c) dabartinė vyriausybė ir buvusi vyriausybė

  • the ins and outs (adv.) kaip savo penkis pirštus, giliai
  • accident in the home (n.) nelaimingas atsitikimas namie
  • ins and outs detalės
  • aid in kind (n.) pagalba natūra
  • assistance in training (n.) mokomoji pagalba
  • price fixed in advance (n.) išankstinė nustatytoji kaina
  • self-sufficiency in food (n.) maistinė nepriklausomybė
  • cooperation in home affairs (n.) bendradarbiavimas vidaus reikalų klausimais
  • government-in-exile (n.) vyriausybė tremtyje
  • government in exile () vyriausybė tremtyje
  • government in exile (n.) vyriausybė tremtyje
  • Government in exile Emigracinė vyriausybė
  • interest in bringing an action (n.) ieškinio motyvas
  • transparency in decision-making (n.) sprendimo priėmimo viešumas
  • working population engaged in agriculture (n.) žemdirbiai
  • cooperation in the field of education (n.) bendradarbiavimas švietimo srityje
  • income in addition to normal pay (n.) pridėtinės pajamos prie įprastinio atlygio
  • pluralism in the media (n.) žiniasklaidos pliuralizmas
  • Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market () Bendrijos vidaus rinkos darninimo biuras
  • Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (n.) Bendrijos vidaus rinkos darninimo biuras
  • company in difficulties (n.) sunkumus patirianti įmonė
  • inclusion in the budget (n.) įtraukimas į biudžetą
  • increase in production (n.) gamybos augimas
  • persons in work (n.) dirbantieji
  • self-sufficiency in energy (n.) energetinis nepriklausomumas
  • trade in organs (n.) prekyba žmogaus organais
  • trafficking in persons (n.) prekyba žmonėmis
  • water management in agriculture (n.) vandens ūkis žemdirbystėje
  • third countries in the Mediterranean (n.) Viduržemio jūros trečiosios šalys
  • shut-in (n.) ligonis, invalidas
  • shut in (v.) aptverti
  • stand-in (n.) pastiprinimas, parama, dubleris, pakaitalas, pavaduojantis, pavaduotojas, pamainininkas
  • stand in (v.) pakeisti, pavaduoti
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (government agency) an agency in the Department of Justice that enforces laws and regulations for the admission of foreign-born persons to the United States
  • (linear unit) a unit of length equal to 1/12 of a foot
  • (act noun) the act of protecting something by surrounding it with material that reduces or prevents the transmission of sound, heat, or electricity
  • (policeman) a high ranking police officer
  • (security) promise of reimbursement in the case of loss; paid to people or companies so concerned about hazards that they have made prepayments to an insurance company
  • (shelter) protection against future loss
  • (contract) written contract or certificate of insurance
  • (investigator) an investigator who observes carefully
  • (building material) a material that reduces or prevents the transmission of heat, sound, or electricity

INS sinonimai Immigration and Naturalization Service

-in sinonimai demo, demonstration, manifestation, march

IN sinonimai Hoosier State, Indiana

In sinonimai atomic number 49, indium

in sinonimai a la mode, in fashion, in style, in vogue, latest, modish, trendy, in fashion, at home, home, indoors, inside, inward, inwards, within doors, en famille, in., inch, about, after, as far as .. is concerned, as for, as regards, as to, concerning, during, even as, for, indoors, inside, in the course of, in the field of, in the midst of, in the process of, in the sphere of, into, just as, on, over, within, with regard to, with respect to, in reference to, inside of, qua

in- sinonimai dis-, im-, n't, non, not, un-

in. sinonimai in, inch

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