jar lietuviškai
jar vertimas I1. n 1) rėžiąs ausį šaižus garsas; 2) drebėjimas; girgždesys; 3) šokas, sukrėtimas;2. v 1) girgždėti, nesiderinti; 2) sutrenkti, sudrebinti; 3) erzinti, nervinti IIn ąsotis; stiklinis ar molinis indas
- preserving jar (n.) stiklainis
- jar (n.) bokalas, puodukas, stiklainis
- jar (v.) cypti, girgždėti, gausti, spiegti, žviegti, rėžti, sukrėsti, kratytis, truktelėti, kirstis
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (vessel) a vessel (usually cylindrical) with a wide mouth and without handles Type of: vessel
- (containerful) the quantity contained in a jar
- (blow) a sudden jarring impact
- (conflict) to be incompatible; to be or come into conflict
- (move, cause, move) to move or cause to move with a sudden jerky motion
- (displace) to shock physically
- (affect) to affect in a disagreeable way Type of: affect
- (put) to place in a cylindrical vessel Type of: put
jar sinonimai bottling jar, jarful, jolt, jounce, mug, preserving jar, shock, tankard, jug, pitcher, beep, bump around, clash, clash with, collide, creak, crunch, grate, grind, jar with, jolt, mismatch, not match, screak, screech, shake up, shriek, skreak, squeak, whine
Netoliese jar esantys žodžiai