jump lietuviškai
jump vertimas 1. n 1) šuolis (t. p. perk.); high jump šuolis į aukštį; long jumpšuolis į tolį; standing jump šuolis iš vietos; running jump šuolis įsibėgėjus; 2) the jumps pl traukuliai (dėl nervinimosi);2. v šokti, šokinėti; to jump at perk. griebtis (minties, pasiūlymo); to jump for joy šokti iš džiaugsmo; to jump on smb aštriai kritikuoti, peikti; to jump out of one's skin pašokti iš išgąsčio; to jump over peršokti; to jump to conclusions per greitai nuspręsti; to jump up pašokti; to jump with perk. sutarti, sutapti, atitikti
- ski jump (n.) šuolių su slidėmis varžybos, stati nuokalnė šuoliams su slidėmis
- Triple jump Trišuolis
- jump to it () skubėti, pasiskubinti, prakiurdyti, paskubėti, paskubinti, nerti, smukti, skuosti, rūkti, lėkti, spausti, mauti
- high jump (n.) šuoliai į aukštį
- High jump Šuolis į aukštį
- broad jump (n.) šuolis į tolį
- jump away (v.) pasitraukti į šoną, pasitraukti á ðonà
- jump over (v.) šokti
- jump the gun () pasiskubinti
- jump the queue (v.) eiti be eilės, užlįsti, užlįsti/eiti be eilės
- long jump (n.) šuolis į tolį
- Long jump Šuolis į tolį
- jump at () griebtis
- jump for joy (v.) būti, jaustis kaip devintame danguje, švytėti iš džiaugsmo, būti/jaustis kaip devintame danguje, būti kaip devintame danguje, pašokti iš džiaugsmo
- jump on (v.) kilti, didėti
- jump on () šokti ant
- jump out (v.) išsiskirti
- pole jump (n.) šuolis su kartimi
- (increase) a sudden and decisive increase
- (saltation) an abrupt transition
- (cinematography) an abrupt transition from one scene to another Topic: cinematography. Type of: transition
- (unconditioned reflex) a sudden involuntary movement
- (descent) descent with a parachute
- (propulsion) the act of jumping; propelling yourself off the ground
- (move forward, leaps) to move forward by leaps and bounds
- (move, jump suddenly) to move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm
- (assail) to make a sudden physical attack on Type of: assail
- (wax) to increase suddenly and significantly Type of: wax
- (look) to be highly noticeable
- (enter) to enter eagerly into Type of: enter
- (climb up) to rise in rank or status
- (jump off) to jump down from an elevated point
- (travel) to run off or leave the rails
- (dive) to jump from an airplane and descend with a parachute
- (cause, jump, leap) to cause to jump or leap
- (start up) to start (a car engine whose battery is dead) by connecting it to another car's battery
- (switch) to pass abruptly from one state or topic to another
- (alter) to go back and forth; to swing back and forth between 2 states or conditions
- (neglect) to leave undone or leave out
jump sinonimai bounce, bound, flip, hurdle, jumping, leap, parachuting, saltation, somersault, start, startle, vault, wince, spring, bounce, bound, caper, frisk, gambol, hop, jump about, jump off, jump over, jump up, leap, leap over, leap up, prance, skip, skip around, alternate, bound, chute, climb up, derail, hop, jump out, jump over, jumpstart, jump-start, leap, leap out, leap over, parachute, pass over, rise, skip, skip over, spring, stand out, start, startle, stick out, take turns, vault