keen lietuviškai
keen vertimas a 1) labai ko norintis; entuziastingas; 2) kiaurai veriąs; 3) stiprus (apie jausmą, šaltį, alkį); 4) aštrus (t. p. perk. apie uoslę, protą); to be keen on a) trokšti, b) mėgti; c) labai domėtis; keen as mustard pagautas entuziazmo
- keen on () labai mėgstantis, besižavintis
- keen-sighted (adj.) aštraus žvilgsnio, akylas
- be keen on (v.) mylėti, džiaugtis, patirti malonumą, mėgti, geisti, norėti, siekti
- (dirge) a funeral lament sung with loud wailing Type of: dirge
- (express emotion) to express grief verbally
- (perceptive) having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions
- (intense) intense or sharp
- (cutting) painful as if caused by a sharp instrument
- (sharp cutting edge) having a sharp cutting edge or point Similar to: sharp
- (good) having desirable or positive qualities, especially those suitable for a thing specified
keen sinonimai acuate, acute, anxious, ardent, astute, avid, bang-up, biting, bitter, blazing, brilliant, bully, clever, corking, cracking, cutting, dandy, desirous, discerning, discriminating, eager, enthusiastic, exquisite, fervent, fervid, fierce, fiery, fine, glaring, grand, great, greedy, groovy, hot-blooded, hungry, impassioned, incisive, intense, knifelike, lancinate, lancinating, neat, needlelike, nifty, not bad, out of sight, out of this world, passionate, peachy, penetrating, penetrative, piercing, poignant, pointed, quick, razor-sharp, sagacious, sensational, sharp, shrewd, slap-up, smashing, sour, spiked, spirited, stabbing, swell, thirsty, tip-top, vehement, vinegarish, vinegary, warm-blooded, zealous, avid, desirous, eager, greedy, out, complain, lament