knit lietuviškai
knit vertimas v (knitted, knit) 1) megzti; 2): to knit one's brows suraukti antakius; 3) suaugti (pvz., apie kaulus); 4) jungtis; susijungti; to knit up suadyti;perk. užbaigti (ginčą ir pan.)
- closely-knit (adj.) ilgalaikis, tvirtas, pastovus
- knit one's brow (v.) suraukti antakius, susiraukti
- knit one's brows (v.) suraukti antakius, susiraukti
- tightly-knit (adj.) ilgalaikis, tvirtas, pastovus
- close-knit (adj.) ilgalaikis, tvirtas, pastovus
- knit stitch (n.) lygus mezgimas
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (fabric) a fabric made by knitting Type of: fabric
- (knitting stitch) a basic knitting stitch
- (needlework) needlework created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine
- (handicraft) to make (textiles) by knitting Topic: handicraft. Type of: create from raw material. Followed by: sew together
- (conjoin) to tie or link together
- (wrinkle) to gather something into small wrinkles or folds
knit sinonimai knit stitch, knitting, knitwork, plain, plain stitch, braid, cockle, crumple, entwine, heal, intertwine, knot, mend, pucker, rumple, weave
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