last lietuviškai
last vertimas I1. a paskutinis; praėjęs; at last-pagaliau; in my last letter-mano paskutiniame laiške; to breathe one's last-numirti; the/this last pastarasis (iš paminėtų dalykų); to/till the last (breath)-iki galo, iki mirties; last but one-priešpaskutinis; last but two-trečias iš galo; last but not least-paskutinis, bet nemažiau svarbus; last week-pereitą savaitę; last name-pavardė;2. adv 1) paskutinį kartą; 2) gale; paskutinėje vietoje;3. v 1) tęstis, trukti; 2) pakakti; it will last me a month-man to pakaks mėnesiui;4. n ištvermė IIn kurpalis
- Last Day (n.) atpildo diena
- Last Judgement (n.) atpildo diena
- Last Frontier (n.) Aliaska
- as a last resort () blogiausiu atveju
- as a last resource (adv.) blogiausiu atveju
- Last Judgment (n.) atpildo diena
- Last Judgment Paskutinis teismas
- the last thing mažiausiai pageidaujamas, norimas dalykas
- to the last () iki pat galo
- at long last (adv.) vis dėlto, galop, galų gale, baigtis tuo, kad galų gale, pagaliau, galiausiai
- in the last resort (adv.) blogiausiu atveju
- see ZZZetcZZZ the last of matyti, paskutinį kartą (apie) ką girdėti, paskutinį kartą (apie) ką girdėti/matyti
- at the last moment (adv.) vos, nežymiai, atidžiai, per plauką, menku skirtumu
- the last word galutinis žodis
- the last word () paskutinis žodis, galutinis žodis, naujausias, madingiausias
- on one's last legs () vos besilaikantis
- the last person () ne iš tų žmonių, kurie
- at last (adv.) galiausiai, vis dėlto, galop, galų gale, baigtis tuo, kad galų gale, pagaliau
- last mentioned () pastarasis
- last word (n.) stilingumas, galutinis žodis, paskutinis žodis
- last hurrah (n.) gulbės giesmė
- the last straw () paskutinis lašas
- last name (n.) pavardė
- last out (v.) tverti, ganėti, užtekti, ištverti, išgyventi
- (stopping point) the temporal end; the concluding time
- (rank) the last or lowest in an ordering or series Type of: rank
- (activity) a person's dying act; the final thing a person can do Type of: activity
- (death) the time at which life ends; continuing until dead
- (weight unit) a unit of weight equal to 4000 pounds Type of: weight unit
- (volume unit) a unit of capacity for grain equal to 80 bushels Type of: volume unit
- (final stage) the concluding parts of an event or occurrence
- (holding device) a holding device shaped like a human foot that is used to fashion or repair shoes
- (measure) to persist for a specified period of time
- (survive) to continue to live through hardship or adversity
- (past) immediately past Similar to: past
- (coming, all others) coming after all others in time, space, or degree, or being the only one remaining Similar to: senior, sunset, ultimate
- (closing) occurring at or forming an end or termination
- (unlikely) most unlikely or unsuitable Similar to: unlikely
- (dying) occurring at the time of death Similar to: dying
- (ultimate) conclusive in a process or progression
- (high) highest in extent or degree
- (unalterable) not to be altered or undone
- (worst) lowest in rank or importance
- (most recently) most recently
- (lastly) the item at the end
last sinonimai antecedent, bygone, concluding, conclusive, deadly, extreme, final, former, hindmost, last-place, latest, latter, lowest, net, preceding, previous, terminal, ultimate, utmost, after all, all in all, at last, finally, in conclusion, in the final analysis, lastly, to close, close, cobbler's last, conclusion, death, end, finale, final stage, finis, finish, last one, latest, shoemaker's last, shoetree, stopping point, conserve, keep up, maintain, preserve, carry on, continue, endure, exist on, get by on, go, go on, hold, hold out, hold up, keep o.s. alive with, keep up, live, live on, maintain, make both ends meet, make do with, make ends meet, manage on, proceed, subsist on, survive, sustain, take, wear, hang on