lead lietuviškai
lead vertimas I1. v (led) 1) vesti; 2) vadovauti; 3) (pa)skatinti; (pa)raginti (kam); 4) sport. pirmauti; to lead a new life pradėti naują gyvenimą; to lead astray išvesti iš teisingo kelio; to lead awaynuvesti; patraukti; to lead back atvesti atgal; to lead off a) pradėti (diskusijas ir pan.); b) nuvesti; atsukti; nukreipti; to lead on apgaulingai ką įtikinti; to lead out išvesti; to lead up (to smth) a) privesti (prie ko nors); b) pasiruošti (kam nors);c) įvesti (į ką);2. n 1) pirmavimas; 2) vadovavimas; to follow the lead sekti (pavyzdžiu); to take the lead parodyti kam pavyzdį; 3) pirmavimas; pirmoji vieta (rungtynėse ir pan.) IIn švinas; black lead grafitas; lead pencil paprastas(grafitinis) pieštukas
- lead a vegetable life (v.) vegetuoti
- be in the lead (v.) būti pranašesniam, turėti pranašumą
- black lead (n.) grafitas
- lead astray (v.) klaidinti, apgauti, išvilioti, sugundyti, persimesti į kitą pusę, tarnauti dviem šeimininkams, apsukti, apmulkinti, sugluminti, prigauti, apmauti, suvedžioti, iškrėsti, nukreipti neteisinga linkme
- lead a vegetative life (v.) vegetuoti
- lead by the nose (v.) apmauti, akis muilinti
- lead by the nose () stumdyti, visur varinėti, vedžioti už nosies
- Lead glass Krištolas
- pencil lead (n.) grafitas
- lead up the garden path (v.) klaidinti, apgauti, išvilioti, sugundyti, persimesti į kitą pusę, tarnauti dviem šeimininkams, apsukti, apmulkinti, sugluminti, prigauti, apmauti, suvedžioti, iškrėsti
- lead on (v.) už nosies vedžioti, išvilioti, vilioti, gundyti, masinti, privilioti, apgaudinėti, apgauti, suklaidinti
- lead on () eiti priekyje, rodyti kelią, vesti, eiti, atsitikti pirma ko, eiti/atsitikti pirma ko
- Lead–acid battery Rūgštinis akumuliatorius
- lead-free petrol (n.) bešvinis benzinas
- made of lead (adj.) švininis
- lead off (v.) pradėti, pajudėti, prasidėti
- lead up to () sukelti, būti priežastimi, privesti iki
- lead in (v.) įvesti, įvežti, pradėti
- lead the way () eiti priekyje, rodyti kelią, vesti, eiti, atsitikti pirma ko, eiti/atsitikti pirma ko
- lead to nothing (v.) išsikvėpti, baigtis nesėkme
- of lead (adj.) švininis
- (advantage) an advantage held by a competitor in a race Type of: advantage
- (chemistry) a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull gray
- (evidence) evidence pointing to a possible solution
- (leadership) a position of leadership Type of: leadership
- (angle) the angle between the direction a gun is aimed and the position of a moving target (correcting for the flight time of the missile) Type of: angle
- (section) the introductory section of a story
- (sports) the score by which a team or individual is winning Topic: sports. Type of: score
- (actor) an actor who plays a principal role
- (baseball game) the position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base Topic: baseball game. Type of: position
- (guidance) an indication of potential opportunity
- (lead story) a news story of major importance
- (timing) the timing of ignition relative to the position of the piston in an internal-combustion engine
- (restraint) restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal
- (strip) thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing
- (graphite) mixture of graphite with clay in different degrees of hardness; the marking substance in a pencil
- (conducting wire) a jumper that consists of a short piece of wire
- (turn) the playing of a card to start a trick in bridge Type of: turn. Part of: card game
- (take) to take somebody somewhere
- (produce) to have as a result or residue
- (tend, result in) to tend to or result in Type of: leave
- (head up) to travel in front of; to go in advance of others
- (induce) to cause to undertake a certain action Type of: induce
- (range) to stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; to run or extend between 2 points or beyond a certain point
- (be, charge of) to be in charge of
- (top) to be ahead of others; to be the 1st
- (promote) to be conducive to
- (music) to lead, as in the performance of a composition
- (lead, extend, afford) to lead, extend, or afford access
- (travel) to move ahead (of others) in time or space
- (make pass) to cause something to pass or lead somewhere
- (hash out) to preside over
lead sinonimai example, exemplar, good example, instance, leash, model, leaden, made of lead, of lead, atomic number 82, booster cable, clue, confidential information, cue, electric cord, flex, guide, head start, hint, indication, inkling, intimation, jumper cable, jumper lead, key, lead-in, leading, leading man, lead story, leash, lede, move, package pin, Pb, pencil lead, pointer, precedence, principal, spark advance, star, steer, suggestion, tether, tip, track, trail, vanguard, wind, pin, head start, start, chair, conduce, conduct, contribute, control, direct, extend, forego, go, guide, head, lead on, lead the way, lead up to, leave, manage, moderate, pass, precede, result, run, take, top, have an advantage, have the advantage, have the edge on, have the whiphand, be ahead, be in front, be in the lead