living lietuviškai
living vertimas 1. n 1) gyvenimas, gyvenimo būdas; high living platus gyvenimo būdas; plain living kuklus gyvenimas; 2) pragyvenimo, egzistavimo priemonės; to earn/gain/get/make one's living užsidirbti pragyvenimui;2. a 1) gyvas, aktyvus; the living gyvieji; 2) dabartinis; 3) labai panašus,,, gyvas"
- live and let live (mokėti) sugyventi su žmonėmis
- live by one's wits gudrumu pelnytis duoną, suktis
- clean-living (adj.) švarus, lygus, doras, padorus
- live animal (n.) gyvas gyvūnas
- live in discord (v.) kivirčytis, rietis
- live down (v.) pergyventi, ištverti
- live with (v.) tikėti, prisiimti, priimti, ryti
- live in conflict (v.) kivirčytis, rietis
- live it up (v.) išsikrauti, padaryti pramogą, pralinksminti, gerai praleisti laiką, linksmintis
- long live (v.) valio!
- live-in (adj.) gyvenantis susidëjæs
- live poultry (n.) gyvi paukščiai
- live together (v.) gyventi susidėjus, susimetus
- live up to one's reputation (v.) saugoti savo gerą vardą
- standard of living (n.) gyvenimo lygis
- Standard of living Gyvenimo lygis
- live up to (v.) numalšinti, malšinti, įvykdyti, išpildyti, gyventi pagal, patenkinti, įtikti
- (with)in living memory gyvųjų atmintyje
- cost of living (n.) pragyvenimo išlaidos
- live on (v.) išsilaikyti, gyventi iš, maitintis, misti, verstis, išlaikyti, ištverti, išgyventi, gyventi, patirti
- living accommodations (n.) gyvenamasis plotas, namai
- living conditions (n.) gyvenimo sąlygos
- living language (n.) gyvoji kalba
- living plant (n.) gyvas augalas
- non-living (adj.) miręs
- living room (n.) bendrasis kambarys, svetainė
- living-room (n.) bendrasis kambarys, svetainė
- living will (n.) gyvojo valia
- way of living (n.) gyvenimo būdas
- living dead (n.) zombis
- living quarters (n.) kareivinės
- living substance (n.) protoplazma
- living will [V4.1] gyvojo valia [V4.1]
- living will [V4.1] (n.) gyvojo valia [V4.1]
- European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (n.) Dublino fondas
- Night of the Living Dead Gyvų numirėlių naktis
- Simple living Paprastas gyvenimas
- Living fossil Gyvoji fosilija
- (cognition noun) the experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities
- (people) people who are still living Type of: people
- (beingness) the condition of living or the state of being alive
- (resource) the financial means whereby one lives
- (populate) to inhabit or live in; to be an inhabitant of
- (lead, certain kind) to lead a certain kind of life; to live in a certain style Followed by: exist
- (continue, live, hardship) to continue to live through hardship or adversity
- (exist) to support oneself
- (have life, be) to have life, be alive
- (see) to have first-hand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations
- (pursue, positive, satisfying) to pursue a positive and satisfying existence
- (pertaining adjective) pertaining to living persons
- (realistic) true to life; life-like Similar to: realistic
- (surviving) still in existence
- (still, active use) still in active use Similar to: extant
- (minerals, stone, natural) of minerals or stone, in its natural state and place; not mined or quarried Similar to: live
- (absolute) perfect, complete, or pure
live sinonimai acute, alive, animated, bouncy, bucked, buoyant, cheerful, cheery, genial, gleeful, hot, in good spirits, in high spirits, lively, living, resilient, springy, unrecorded, bread and butter, breadwinning, keep, livelihood, living, support, sustenance, meal ticket, abide, be accommodated, be alive, breathe, cohabit, continue, dwell, earn a living, empathise, empathize, endure, enter into, exist, hang out, inhabit, live on, live together, lodge, lodge in, occupy, persist, prevail, remain, shack up, stay, subsist, survive, reside, be, be accommodated, be alive, eke, empathize, endure, enter into, exist, exist on, experience, get by on, go, hold out, hold up, inhabit, keep o.s. alive with, know, last, live on, live together, lodge, make both ends meet, make do with, make ends meet, manage on, people, populate, project one's mind, put o.s. in another position, put o.s. in s.o.'s shoes, put o.s. in the position of, reside, struggle along, subsist, subsist on, survive, sympathise, sympathize, take, understand, cohabit, dwell, empathise, shack up
living sinonimai active, alive, animated, bucked, buoyant, cheerful, cheery, existing, genial, gleeful, in good spirits, in high spirits, live, lively, resident, strong, surviving, vigorous, vital, domiciled, aliveness, animation, bread and butter, breadwinning, keep, life, lifetime, live, livelihood, support, sustenance, meal ticket