lodge lietuviškai

lodge vertimas 1. n 1) namelis; sargo būdelė; vartininko, durininko patalpos; 2) koledžo direktoriaus būstas (Anglijoje); 3) medžiotojų namelis; 4) (masonų) ložė;2. v 1) apgyvendinti; 2) padėti saugoti; 3) gyventi (apsistojus);4) paduoti (skundą); 5) įstrigti (apie kulką)

  • lodge in (v.) laikinai pas ką gyventi, nuomoti kambarį, būti, užimti, gyventi
  • lodge a complaint with (v.) atsiimti
  • hunting lodge (n.) namelis, būdelė
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (association) a formal association of people with similar interests
  • (gatehouse) small house at the entrance to the grounds of a country mansion; usually occupied by a gatekeeper or gardener Type of: gatehouse
  • (ho.) a small (rustic) house used as a temporary shelter
  • (dwelling house) any of various Native American dwellings
  • (hotel) a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers
  • (populate) to be a lodger; to stay temporarily Type of: populate
  • (fasten) to put, fix, force, or implant
  • (accuse) to file a formal charge against
  • (put up) to provide housing for
  • (physicist) English physicist who studied electromagnetic radiation and was a pioneer of radiotelegraphy (born: 1851 – died: 1940)

Lodge sinonimai Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, Sir Oliver Lodge

lodge sinonimai association, auberge, club, gild, guild, hostel, hostelry, hunting lodge, indian lodge, inn, masonic lodge, order, social club, society, accommodate, be accommodated, bed down, billet, billet on, charge, deposit, file, give for safekeeping, live, place, put, put up, quarter, quarter on, reside, stay, stick, wedge, dwell, deposit, give for safekeeping

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