loggerheads lietuviškai
loggerheads vertimas n: to be at loggerheads (with) bartis, pyktis (su kuo).
- at loggerheads (adj.) besibarantis, besivaidijantis
- be at loggerheads (v.) kivirčytis, rietis
- Loggerhead sea turtle Logerhedas
- (stupid person) a person lacking normal intelligence; used to express a low opinion of someone
- (sea turtle) a very large carnivorous sea turtle; wide-ranging in warm open seas
loggerhead sinonimai berk, blockhead, bonehead, burk, Caretta caretta, chump, dolt, dope, dumbass, dumbbell, dumbo, dunce, dunderhead, fathead, fuckhead, hammerhead, hawksbill, idiot, knucklehead, loggerhead turtle, lunkhead, muttonhead, nincompoop, nitwit, numskull, nut, oaf, pinhead, shithead, arsehole, ass, blockhead, bonehead, changeling, chump, clot, dimwit, dolt, donkey, dope, dumbo, dummy, dunce, fathead, fat-head, fool, fuckwit, halfwit, half-wit, idiot, imbecile, nincompoop, nitwit, numskull, nut, oaf, retard, wanker, berk, booby, bugger, burk, cretin, damn fool, dumbbell, hammerhead, jackass, moron, peabrain, pinhead, twerp, twirp, wally