mad lietuviškai
mad vertimas 1. a 1) pakvaišęs, beprotis; to go mad išeiti iš proto; to drive/send one madišvesti iš proto; 2) padūkęs, nesivaldąs; 3) aistringai, beprotiškai mylintis, mėgstantis ką (after,about, for, on); 4) labai įširdęs; to get mad įširsti; don't be mad at me nepyk ant manęs; 2. v 1) išvesti, išeiti iš proto; 2) šnek.išvesti iš pusiausvyros
- raving mad (adj.) galvos netekęs, pasiutęs, kliedintis, pamišęs
- mad apple (n.) baklažanas
- mad cow (n.) galvijų kempiškoji encefalopatija, kempinligė, galvijų pasiutligė, galvijø pasiutligë
- mad cow disease (n.) galvijø pasiutligë, galvijų kempiškoji encefalopatija, kempinligė, galvijų pasiutligė
- power-mad person (n.) autokratas, patvaldys, tironas, despotas
- stark mad (adj.) visai išprotėjęs
- like mad (adv.) kaip pasiutęs
- (angry) roused to anger
- (looney) affected with madness or insanity
- (wild) marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
- (foolish) very foolish
- (island) an island in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa; the 4th largest island in the world
- (African country) a republic on the island of Madagascar; achieved independence from France in 1960
mad sinonimai insane, absurd, angry, annoyed, bananas, berserk, beside oneself, bonkers, brainsick, choked, crackbrained, crazed, crazy, daft, dangerous, delirious, demented, deranged, desirous, distracted, distraught, disturbed, dotty, drunk, enamored, enamoured, enraged, exasperated, excited, foolish, frantic, frenzied, furious, gaga, half-baked, harebrained, huffy, incensed, infuriated, insane, irate, lunatic, maniac, maniacal, mentally deranged, mentally ill, nonsensical, off one's head, perilous, rabid, raging, raving, raving mad, reckless, screwball, senseless, sick, silly, softheaded, sore, stark raving mad, stupid, ticked off, unbalanced, unhinged, unrestrained, unsafe, unsound, wild, wrathful, out of one's mind