man lietuviškai
man vertimas 1. n (pl men) 1) žmogus; public manvisuomenės veikėjas; man of lettersrašytojas; man of science mokslininkas; man of business komersantas; man of God dvasininkas; medical man gydytojas; man of genius genialus žmogus; man of distinction įžymus žmogus; man in the street eilinis žmogus; 2) (sg be artikelio)žmonija; 3) vyras; 4) tarnas; 5) darbininkas; 6) šachm. pėstininkas;2. v 1) aprūpinti žmonėmis; komplektuoti (komandą); 2) drąsinti
- man-to-man (adj.) atvirai, atviras
- man to man () atvirai, atviras
- big man (n.) galvutė, vadas, vadovas, vyriausiasis, galva
- one-man (adj.) vienvietis, viengulis
- black man (n.) negras, negrė, juodaodis, spalvotasis
- man-made (adj.) dirbtinis
- man of the world (n.) pasaulio matęs, vėtytas ir mėtytas žmogus
- old man (n.) senis
- old man (n.) pati, žmona
- one-man rule (n.) diktatūra, diktatoriaus valdoma valstybė
- hit man (n.) ginkluotas nusikaltėlis, banditas
- man of the cloth (n.) dvasininkas
- man-made lake (n.) rezervuaras
- common man (n.) paprastas, nekilmingas žmogus
- man of learning (n.) mokslininkas, mokslininkė
- man-made disaster (n.) žmogaus sukelta nelaimė
- military man (n.) kariškis, kariðkis
- man of affairs (n.) komersantas, biznierius
- head man (n.) galvutė, vadas, vadovas, vyriausiasis, galva
- man of letters (n.) rašytojas, mokslininkas
- holy man (n.) šventas žmogus, angelas
- man-about-town (n.) turtingas pramogautojas
- man in the street (n.) eilinis žmogus
- man of means (n.) pasiturintis žmogus
- man Friday (n.) dešinioji ranka
- man's man (n.) tikras vyras
- man-eater (n.) žmogėdra, kanibalas, gyvūnas, ėdantis panašius į save
- man-made fibre (n.) sintetinis pluoštas
- no man's land (n.) niekieno žemė
- no-man's-land (n.) niekieno žemė
- man-eating (adj.) žmones ėdantis
- service man (n.) taisytojas, meistras
- to a man (adv.) visi kaip vienas
- right-hand man (n.) dešinioji ranka
- white man (n.) baltaodis
- young man (n.) meilė, mylimasis, mielasis! mieloji!, brangusis, brangioji, mielasis, mieloji, meilutis, mielas žmogus, aukselis, numylėtinis, lepūnėlis
- Isle of Man (n.) Meno sala
- Isle of Man Meno Sala
- working man (n.) darbininkas
- (adult) an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman)
- (military machine) someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force
- (person) the generic use of the word to refer to any human being Type of: person
- (hominid) any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage
- (subordinate) a male subordinate Type of: subordinate
- (adult male person) an adult male person who has a manly character (virile and courageous competent) Type of: male person
- (manservant) a manservant who acts as a personal attendant to his employer
- (lover) a male person who plays a significant role (husband, lover, or boyfriend) in the life of a particular woman Type of: male person. Type of: lover
- (game equipment) game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games
- (grouping) all of the living human inhabitants of the earth
- (do work) to take charge of a certain job; to occupy a certain work place Type of: do work
- (staff) to provide with workers Type of: staff
- (island) one of the British Isles in the Irish Sea
- (handbook) a small handbook
- (hand-operated) requiring human effort
- (blue-collar) doing or requiring physical work
- (pertaining adjective) of or relating to the hands
- (Canadian province) one of the 3 prairie provinces in central Canada
Man sinonimai Isle of Man, the Isle of Man
man sinonimai adult male, beau, boyfriend, buck, buck private, common soldier, dick, gentleman, gentleman's gentleman, guy, he, homo, human, human being, human beings, humanity, humankind, human race, humans, human species, husband, lover, male, mankind, menfolk, military man, military personnel, mortals, partner, piece, private, serviceman, spouse, stone, the human race, the rank and file, trooper, valet, valet de chambre, world, bloke, boy, chap, customer, dude, feller, fellow, geezer, lad