mangle lietuviškai
mangle vertimas Iv 1) baisiai sužaloti; 2) išdarkyti, iškraipyti II 1.v kočioti, gręžti (skalbinius); 2. n brūžkos, "mogliai"
- mingle-mangle (n.) atliekami daiktai, įvairovė, margumas, mažmožiai, smulkmenos
- Rhizophora mangle (n.) mangrovė
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (clothes dryer) clothes dryer for drying and ironing laundry by passing it between 2 heavy heated rollers Type of: clothes dryer
- (iron out) to press with a mangle Type of: iron out
- (deface) to injure badly by beating
- (falsify) to alter so as to make unrecognizable
- (damage) to destroy or injure severely
mangle sinonimai spin-drier, spin dryer, wringer, butcher, cut up, maul, murder, mutilate, slaughter
Netoliese mangle esantys žodžiai