mating lietuviškai
mating vertimas n 1) suporavimas; 2) kergimas
- first mate (n.) kapitono padėjėjas
- Yerba mate Paragvajinis bugienis
- room-mate (n.) kambario draugas
- sparring mate (n.) treniruočių partneris
- Fool's mate Kvailio matas
- Mate (beverage) Matė
- Scholar's mate Vaikiškas matas
- (sexual activity) the act of pairing a male and female for reproductive purposes
- (conjoin) to engage in sexual intercourse
- (bring together) to bring 2 objects, ideas, or people together
- (chess game) to place an opponent's king under an attack from which it can't escape and thus ending the game
mating sinonimai conjugation, coupling, pairing, sexual union, union
mate sinonimai aide, auxiliary, hand, helper, amigo, assistant, bedfellow, better half, boon companion, boyfriend, brother, buddy, checkmate, chum, close, colleague, companion, comrade, co-worker, crony, double, fellow, first mate, friend, girl-friend, Ilex paraguariensis, intimate, married person, match, maté, pal, Paraguay tea, partner, sidekick, spouse, teammate, twin, coxswain, dude, buddy, chum, checkmate, copulate, couple, couple to, couple together, dock, match, pair, twin
maté sinonimai Ilex paraguariensis, mate, Paraguay tea