meaning lietuviškai
meaning vertimas 1. n reikšmė; prasmė; 2. a reikšmingas (t. p. meaningful); meaningless a bereikšmis, beprasmiškas
- well-meaning (adj.) nuoširdus, tikras
- Greenwich Mean Time Grinvičo laikas
- mean solar day (n.) para, diena
- mean-spirited (adj.) piktavališkas, piktdžiugiškas, piktas, piktanoris, pikta linkintis
- Harmonic mean Harmoninis vidurkis
- mean something ką nors reikšti
- arithmetic mean (n.) vidurkis
- Arithmetic mean Aritmetinis vidurkis
- mean nothing to nieko nesakyti
- Geometric mean Geometrinis vidurkis
- mean by (v.) ketinti, norėti, skirti, galvoti, tikėtis
- (message) the message that is intended, expressed, or signified
- (idea) the idea that is intended
- (convey) to mean or intend to express or convey
- (necessitate) to have as a logical consequence
- (signify) to denote or connote
- (think) to have in mind as a purpose
- (have, specified degree) to have a specified degree of importance
- (associate) to intend to refer to
- (destine) to destine or designate for a certain purpose Type of: intend
- (meaningful) rich in significance or implication
meaning sinonimai meaningful, pregnant, significant, aim, denotation, design, gist, idea, import, intention, interpretation, message, purport, purpose, sense, significance, signification, signified, substance
mean sinonimai abominable, avaricious, average, bastardly, beggarly, below par, capital, closefisted, close-fisted, detestable, first class, hardfisted, hateful, inferior, low, meanspirited, mingy, miserly, not up to par, stingy, substandard, tight, tightfisted, ungenerous, base, parsimonious, arithmetic mean, average, centre, expectation, expected value, first moment, mean value, middle, norm, aim, aim at, aim for, aspire to, be aimed at, betoken, connote, contemplate, denote, drive at, entail, express, have in mind, have the intention to, imply, indicate, intend, mean by, plan, portend, propose, purport, represent, signify, stand for, suggest, symbolise, think, think of, be in earnest, be serious
- meander
- mean
- mealy-mouthed
- meaning
- meaningless
- means
- meant