monitor lietuviškai
monitor vertimas 1 vyresnysis mokinys (atsakingas už ką); (klasės) seniūnas 2 užsienio radijo stočių klausytojas (žvalgybos tikslais) 3 fiz., rad., tel., med. monitorius, kontrolės prietaisas; radiation monitor kontrolinis dozimetras; monitor station kontrolės punktas 4 jūr. ist. monitorius (šarvuotas karo laivas) 5 tech. hidromonitorius, vandensvydis 6 komp. valdančioji programa (t. p. monitor program) 7 stat. stoglangis 8 zool. varanas (t. p. monitor lizard) Ä v 1 kontroliuoti, tikrinti (t. p. radijo stočių darbą) 2 klausyti ir pranešti (apie užsienio radijo laidas, telefoninius pokalbius ir pan.) 3 fiz. tikrinti žmogui kenksmingo radioaktyvumo buvimą; atlikti dozimetrinę kontrolę
- Computer monitor Monitorius
- Monitor lizard Varanai
- Nile monitor Nilo varanas
- River monitor Upių monitorius
- (supervisor) someone who supervises (an examination)
- (defender) someone who gives a warning so that a mistake can be avoided
- (electronic computer) display produced by a device that takes signals and displays them on a TV screen or a computer monitor
- (television system) electronic equipment that is used to check the quality or content of electronic transmissions Type of: electronic equipment. Part of: television system
- (piece, electronic equipment) a piece of electronic equipment that keeps track of the operation of a system continuously and warns of trouble Type of: electronic equipment
- (lizard) any of various large tropical carnivorous lizards of Africa, Asia, and Australia; fabled to warn of crocodiles
- (information technology) an electronic device that represents information in visual form
- (supervise) to keep tabs on; to keep an eye on; to keep under surveillance
- (check, track, observe) to check, track, or observe by means of a receiver Type of: observe
- (vessel) an ironclad vessel built by Federal forces to do battle with the Merrimac Type of: vessel
monitor sinonimai admonisher, adviser, computer display, computer screen, monitoring device, monitor lizard, prefect, proctor, reminder, supervisor, varan, varanus, watchdog, eavesdrop, stand over, supervise, to keep a close watch on someone, to keep tabs on someone, wiretap