move lietuviškai
move vertimas 1. v 1) judėti, judinti; 2) kilnoti(s); kraustytis (about/around);3) sujaudinti; 4) pateikti pasiūlymą; 5) eiti (šachmatuose ir pan.);6) skatinti; 7) imtis priemonių; to mov accross/along/down/over/at paeiti, pasistumti į priekį (pvz., autobuse); to mov back a) atbulam trauktis; b) eiti pro užpakalines duris; to mov for amer. teis. teisėtai reikalauti; to mov inįsiveržti; įvažiuoti; to mov offižvažiuoti, pradėti kelionę; to mov on a) tęsti kelionę; b) pakeisti vietą; to mov smb on išsklaidyti (minią ir pan.); to mov out a) išvesti, išjudėti; b) išvažiuoti (iš namo, garažo ir pan.); to mov up a) pajudėti; arčiau prisistumti; b) pasitempti;2. n 1) judėjimas; eiga; 2) persikėlimas; 3) žingsnis, poelgis; 4) ėjimas (žaidžiant šachmatais, kortomis) on the mov juda; vystosi; to get a mov on išskubėti; to make a mov a) išvykti; b) atlikti veiksmą
- get a move on (v.) skubėti, pasiskubinti, prakiurdyti, paskubėti, paskubinti, nerti, smukti, skuosti, rūkti, lėkti, spausti, mauti
- make a move pajudėti
- make a move () judinti, krutinti, judėti, krutėti, pajudėti, pasukti
- move around (v.) suktis, sukti, pasukti kuria nors atšaka
- begin to move (v.) pajudėti
- on the move () judantis, kelionėje, besiplėtojantis
- move out (v.) išsikraustyti, išsikelti
- move house (v.) išsikraustyti, išsikelti
- move house () kraustytis
- move into (v.) įeiti
- move over (v.) praleisti
- opening move (n.) iniciatyva
- move along nestoviniuoti
- move up (v.) praleisti, kilti
- move up () pasitraukti
- move nearer (n.) prisitraukti, pritraukti
- move aside (v.) praleisti
- move heaven and earth () viską išmėginti
- move in (v.) atsikelti, atsikraustyti
- move forward (v.) daryti pažangą, judėti pirmyn, žengti į priekį, sektis, stumtis pirmyn, stumtis į priekį, judėti į priekį, keliauti, gerėti
- move off (v.) pajudėti
- move down (v.) pažeminti
- move back (v.) atsiimti, atsitraukti, pasitraukti
- move on (v.) judėti į priekį, keliauti
- (decision) the act of deciding to do something Type of: decision
- (relocation) the act of changing one's residence or place of business
- (motility) a change of position that doesn't entail a change of location
- (act, changing location) the act of changing location from one place to another
- (game) a player's turn to take some action permitted by the rules of the game Topic: game. Type of: turn
- (change location) to change location; to move, travel, or proceed; also used figuratively
- (cause, move, shift) to cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
- (move so, change) to move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion Follows: bear, exercise, push, transplant. Caused by: mobilize, take out
- (settle) to change residence, affiliation, or place of employment Follows: settle. Caused by: evacuate
- (proceed) to follow a procedure or take a course
- (be active) to be in a state of action
- (alter) to go or proceed from one point to another Type of: change
- (perform, action, work) to perform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
- (feel) to have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
- (cause) to give an incentive for action
- (arouse sympathy, compassion) to arouse sympathy or compassion in Type of: affect. Similar to: motivate
- (sell) to dispose of by selling Type of: sell
- (run) to progress by being changed
- (live) to live one's life in a specified environment Type of: live
- (check) to have a turn; to make one's move in a game
- (propose) of a debate or parliamentary meeting, to propose formally
move sinonimai drive, lead, motility, motion, movement, relocation, removal, stab, transfer, maneuver, manoeuvre, act, actuate, affect, agitate, be active, be moved, be touched, budge, carry, change, convey, displace, disturb, drive, drive on, excite, freight, go, go along, hang elsewhere, impress, incite, influence, leave, locomote, make a motion, mollify, motivate, move house, move on, proceed, prompt, propel, propose, recommend, rehang, remove, rouse, run, shunt, soften, stir, strike, submit, suggest, take, touch, transport, travel, turn, walk, budge, move on, move out, stir, advance, march, move house, move up, budge, displace, rehang, shunt, stir