murder lietuviškai
murder vertimas 1. n žmogžudystė; murder will out priež. ylos maiše nepaslėpsi; to cry/scream blue murderrėkti kaip skerdžiamam; to get away with murderįžūliai nepaisyti taisyklių/įstatymų;2. v 1) (nu)žudyti; 2) (su)darkyti;3. intgelbėkite!
- like blue murder (adv.) pašėlusiai greitai, iš visų jėgų
- mass murder (n.) žudynės, skerdynės, žudymas
- race murder (n.) genocidas
- Life on the Murder Scene Life On the Murder Scene (albumas)
- Murder, Inc.
- The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Rodžerio Ekroido nužudymas
- (homicide) an unlawful, premeditated, killing of a human being by a human being
- (kill) to kill intentionally and with premeditation
- (falsify) to alter so as to make unrecognizable
murder sinonimai assassination, elimination, execution, liquidation, manslaughter, slaying, homicide, abuse, assassinate, bump off, destroy, do in, do violence to, kill, mar, ruin, slay, spoil, violate, assassin, assassinate, dispatch, do away with, do violence to, eliminate, hit, liquidate, mangle, mutilate, off, polish off, rape, remove, slay, to take someone for a ride, violate, bump off, do in