number lietuviškai
number vertimas 1. n 1) skaičius; kiekis; in numbersgausiai, dideliais kiekiais; even number lyginis skaičius; odd number nelyginis skaičius; broken number trupmena; prime number paprastas skaičius; whole numbers sveikieji skaičiai; a number of keletas; quite a number gana daug; without number be skaičiaus; 2) numeris; number platenumerio lentelė (apie automobilį; amer. license plate ); serial number eilės numeris; 3) gram. skaičius; skaitvardis; cardinal numbers kiekiniai skaičiai; 4) aritmetika;2. v 1) duoti, turėti (skaičių); 2) numeruoti; to number off kar.išsiskaičiuoti; I number him among my best friends aš priskiriu jį prie geriausių savo draugų
- Natural number Natūralusis skaičius
- International Standard Book Number ISBN
- Atomic number Atomo numeris
- number of pupils (n.) mokinių skaičius
- number theory (n.) aritmetika
- Number theory Skaičių teorija
- number-plate (n.) numerio skydelis
- number plate () numerio skydelis
- telephone number (n.) telefonas, telefono numeris
- identification number (n.) numeris, skaičius, skaitmuo, Nr.
- back-number (n.) buvusi garsenybė, senas
- International Standard Serial Number ISSN
- (figure) the property possessed by a sum, total, or indefinite quantity of units or individuals
- (definite quantity) a concept of quantity involving zero and units
- (performance) a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program
- (signaling) the number is used in calling a particular telephone
- (symbol) a symbol used to represent a number
- (periodical) one of a series published periodically
- (company) a select company of people Type of: company
- (positive identification) a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification
- (size) a clothing measurement Type of: size
- (grammar) the grammatical category for the forms of nouns, pronouns, and verbs that are used depending on the number of entities involved (singular, dual, or plural) Topic: grammar. Type of: grammatical category
- (merchandise) an item of merchandise offered for sale Type of: merchandise
- (ordinal number) the number designating place in an ordered sequence
- (be) to add up in number or quantity
- (designate) to give numbers to Type of: designate
- (classify) to put into a group
- (determine) to determine the number or amount of
- (limit) to place a limit on the number of
- (name) to specify individually
- (insensible) lacking sensation
- (unresponsive) not showing human feeling or sensitivity
- (afraid) so frightened as to be unable to move; stunned or paralyzed with terror
- (deadened) devoid of physical sensation
number sinonimai count among, include, reckon among, act, amount, bit, digit, figure, house number, identification number, issue, No., phone number, routine, telephone number, turn, №, numeral, tel, tel., add, calculate, compute, enumerate, add up, aggregate, amount, amount to, come, count, count up, enumerate, keep down, list, make, numerate, total