observation lietuviškai
observation vertimas n 1) stebėjimas; 2) pastaba; 3) pastabumas; under observation stebimas, tiriamas
- observation tower (n.) sargyba
- observation post (n.) stebėjimo punktas, sargybos postas
- Observation post Sekykla
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (measurement) the act of making and recording a measurement
- (looking at) the act of observing; taking a patient look
- (remark) a remark expressing careful consideration
- (fact) facts learned by observing Type of: fact
- (attention) the act of noticing or paying attention
observation sinonimai attention, check, comment, commentary, conclusion, establishment, estimation, examination, information, input, inspection, investigation, marginal comment, mention, note, notice, observance, once-over, perception, probe, record, reflection, reflexion, regard, remark, scrutiny, supervision, surveillance, thoughtfulness, utterance, view, watching
Netoliese observation esantys žodžiai
- observant
- observance
- observable
- observation
- observational
- observatory
- observe