offense lietuviškai
offense vertimas amer. offence.
- report of an offense (n.) kvitas
- criminal offense (n.) nusikaltimas, nusikalstamumas, nešvarus reikalas
- sex offense (n.) seksualinė prievarta
- take offense (v.) įsižeisti, piktintis, jaustis įskaudintam
- (behavior) a lack of politeness; a failure to show regard for others; wounding the feelings or others
- (anger) a feeling of anger caused by being offended
- (criminal law) an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act
- (team) the team that has the ball (or puck) and is trying to score
- (military operation) the action of attacking an enemy
offense sinonimai affront, breach of the law, crime, criminal act, criminal offence, criminal offense, delict, delinquency, discourtesy, felony, impoliteness, incivility, indictable offence, injury, malfeasance, malpractice, misdemeanor, misdemeanour, offence, offend, offensive, offensive activity, outrage, penal offence, umbrage, violation, violation of the law, crime, foul play, law-breaking, breach of the law, criminal offence, criminal offense, delinquency, infraction of the law, infringement of the law, offence, penal offence, transgression of the law, violation of the law