organization lietuviškai
organization vertimas , organisation n organizacija
- Organization of American States Amerikos Valstybių organizacija
- World Trade Organization Pasaulio Prekybos Organizacija
- business organization (n.) koncernas, įmonė
- World Health Organization Pasaulio sveikatos organizacija
- European organisation (n.) Europos organizacija
- intergovernmental organisation (n.) tarpvyriausybinė organizacija
- organisation of elections (n.) rinkimų rengimas
- organization chart (n.) organizacinė schema
- organisation of transport (n.) transporto organizavimas
- Organization of the Oppressed on Earth (n.) Hezbollah
- (social group) a group of people who work together
- (structure) an organized structure for arranging or classifying
- (body) the persons (or committees, departments, or so on) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something
- (disposal) the act of organizing a business or an activity related to a business
- (orderliness) an ordered manner; orderliness by virtue of being methodical and well organized
- (activity) the activity, or result, of distributing or disposing persons or things properly or methodically
- (beginning) the act of forming or establishing something
organization sinonimai administration, agency, arrangement, association, body, brass, brotherhood, chamber, club, collective, combination, confederacy, constitution, construction, co-op, cooperative, creation, disposition, ensemble, establishment, federation, fellowship, form, formation, foundation, founding, fraternity, governance, governing body, group, grouping, guild, handling, institution, league, management, office, ordering, personnel, plan, set, setting up, society, staff, syndicate, system, texture, organisation