out-of-date lietuviškai
out-of-date vertimas a pasenęs; senovinis
- old; no longer valid or fashionable
out of date sinonimai antique, demode, démodé, ex, expired, lapsed, nonchurchgoing, old-fashioned, old-hat, out, outmoded, out-of-date, out of fashion, out of style, passe, passee, unmodish, defunct, prescribed, antiquated, obsolete, old, old-fashioned, outmoded
out-of-date sinonimai antediluvian, antiquated, archaic, behind the times, dated, expired, from the year dot, in abeyance, into desuetude, lapsed, nonchurchgoing, obsolete, old-fashioned, outdated, outmoded, out of date, out of fashion, out of style, out of use, outworn, passé, superannuated, vintage, defunct, prescribed
- out-fight
- out-and-out
- out!
- out-of-date
- out-of-the-way
- out-of-work
- outbalance