people lietuviškai
people vertimas 1. n 1) liaudis, tauta; 2) pl a) asmenys; žmonės; b) (papr. the people)piliečiai; gyventojai; the common people paprasti žmonės; working people darbo žmonės, dirbantieji; big people žymūs žmonės;people of good will geros valios žmonės; young people jaunimas; little people vaikai; people say...sako, kalbama; to poll people įvykdyti referendumą; most people dauguma; 3) giminaičiai; šeima; my people-in-law mano žmonos (vyro) giminės; 2. v apgyvendinti
- People's Liberation Army Liaudies Išlaisvinimo Armija
- French people (n.) prancūzai
- French people Prancūzai
- People's Republic of China (n.) Kinija
- country people (n.) valstietija
- English people Anglai
- young people (n.) jaunuolis, jaunimas
- people's democracy (n.) liaudies demokratija
- common people (n.) žmonės, liaudis, plačioji visuomenė, visuomenė
- White people Europidai
- people's bank (n.) liaudies bankas
- disaffection of young people (n.) jaunimo abejingumas
- (organism) a human being
- (world) any group of humans (men, women, or children) collectively Type of: grouping. Member of: world
- (citizenry) the body of citizens of a state or country
- (human body) a human body (usually including the clothing)
- (family line) members of a family line Type of: family line
- (grammar) a grammatical category used in the classification of pronouns, possessive determiners, and verb forms according to whether they indicate the speaker, the addressee, or a 3rd party
- (multitude) the common people generally
- (change verb) to fill with people Type of: populate
- (dwell) to furnish with people Type of: populate
people sinonimai country, land, nation, citizenry, common people, folk, hoi polloi, human being, individual, mass, masses, multitude, nation, person, somebody, someone, soul, the general public, the great unwashed, the people, the public, folks, mortal, dwell, inhabit, live, populate, reside