pick lietuviškai
pick vertimas I n 1) kaplys, kirtiklis; iešmas; 2) dantų krapštukas (t. p. toothpick) II 1. n 1) pa(si)rinkimas; take your pick! pasirinkite!; the pick of the basket geriausia dalis ko nors; 2) smūgis; 2. v 1) (su)rinkti, parinkti, rūšiuoti; to pick one's way/steps einant lankstytis, parinkti kelią (kad nesusipurvinus); 2) lesti; rinkti, skinti; 3) gręžti, (pra) kalti; 4) vagiliauti; 5) graužti(kaulą); to pick at burbėti, įkyriai bambėti; to pick off a) atplėšti; (nu)imti; b) (nu)šauti; to pick on smb pasirinkti ką auka;to pick out a) suprasti; b) išrinkti; to pick upa) surinkti, pakelti; b) pasitaisyti; pagerėti; c) pagauti (žodžius); d) greit išmokti; to pick smb up a) pavežti; b) atsitiktinai susipažinti; c) išgelbėti (skęstančius); d) sugauti (bėglį)
- pick and choose atsirinkti, rūpestingai pasirinkti, rūpestingai pasirinkti/atsirinkti
- pick off (v.) timptelėti, išrauti
- pick on () parinkti, išsirinkti, pasirinkti, išrinkti, išskirti, užsipulti
- pick someone's brains išklaus(inė)ti (ką)
- pick at (v.) knebenti, lesti, kapoti snapu
- pick holes in () ieškoti, rasti trūkumų, kritikuoti, nagrinėti, vertinti, ieškoti/rasti trūkumų
- pick out (v.) parinkti, išsirinkti, pasirinkti, išrinkti, išskirti, atskirti vieną nuo kito, pastebėti, įžiūrėti, atpažinti, atskirti
- pick someone's pocket (pa)vogti iš kieno kišenės
- pick up speed () didinti, padidinti greitį, padidinti greitá
- pick up the bill (v.) apmokėti sąskaitą
- the pick of the bunch (n.) grietinėlė, kas geriausias, rinktinis, geriausieji
- pick up (v.) išmokti, pramokti, priminti, būti parduotam už, nugirsti, atsigauti, atkusti, atsistoti, pasitaisyti, sužinoti, paknaibyti, knaibyti, paimti, susemti, sulaikyti, areštuoti, taurinantis, kilninantis, sumedžioti, gauti, užsukti paimti, taisytis, gyti, pagauti, užgrobti, paimti į nelaisvę, surasti
- pick-up (n.) pikapas, garso ėmiklis, adapteris
- pick up (n.) pikapas
- pick apart (v.) ieškoti, rasti trūkumų, kritikuoti, nagrinėti, vertinti, ieškoti/rasti trūkumų
- pick-me-up (n.) ramstis, pastiprintojas
- (decision making) the person or thing chosen or selected
- (output) the quantity of a crop that is harvested
- (élite group) the best people or things in a group
- (thread) the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving
- (device) a small thin device (of metal, plastic, or ivory) used to pluck a stringed instrument
- (hand tool) a thin sharp implement used for removing unwanted material Type of: hand tool
- (edge tool) a heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is pointed on both ends
- (basketball play) a basketball maneuver; obstructing an opponent with one's body Type of: basketball play
- (action) the act of choosing or selecting
- (choose) to select carefully from a group Type of: choose
- (gather) to look for and gather
- (knock) to harass with constant criticism
- (remove, small bits) to remove in small bits Type of: remove
- (clean) to remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits
- (rob) to pilfer or rob Type of: rob
- (pay) to pay for something
- (pull) to pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion
- (pierce) to attack with, or as if with, a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example
- (strike) to hit lightly with a picking motion
- (eat) to eat intermittently; to take small bites of
- (cause) to evoke or provoke to appear or occur
pick sinonimai call for, capture, catch, collect, copy, fetch in, gather up, get, pick out, pick up, receive, turn around, choice, choosing, cream, cream cheese, cream of the crop, crème de la crème, filling, high society, mattock, option, picking, plectron, plectrum, selection, the pick of the bunch, weft, woof, pickax, pickaxe, beak, bite off, blame, break up, choose, clean, collect, cull, deplumate, deplume, displume, eat away, eat into, erode, fiddle, fidget, find fault, foot, gather, gnaw, gnaw at, gnaw away at, gnaw off, nibble, opt, opt for, peck, pick out, piece, pluck, plunk, prefer, pull, reap, strum, tear, uplift, thrum, pluck, strum, diddle, fiddle, fidget, play, toy, twiddle, choose, opt for, pick on, pick out, pluck, select, single out, take