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piping lietuviškai

piping vertimas 1. n 1) (vandentiekio) vamzdžiai; 2) grojimas (dūdele ar dūdmaišiu); 3) kantas; apsiuvas;2. a (apie balsą) cypiantis; skvarbus; piping hot labai karštas; the piping times of peace ramūs laikai

  • pipe bowl (n.) galvutė
  • pipe down (v.) nuraminti, nurimti
  • pipe organ (n.) vargonai
  • Pipe organ Vargonai
  • piping hot (adj.) labai karštas
  • pipe dream (n.) siekis, troškimas, svajonė, sapnas, nepasiekiama svajonė
  • pipe fitter (n.) santechnikas
  • Half-pipe
  • Smoking pipe (tobacco) Pypkė
  • Water pipe Vandentiekis
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (cord) a thin strip of covered cord used to edge hems Type of: cord
  • (tube) a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water, oil, gas, or so on
  • (playing) the playing of a pipe or the bagpipes Type of: playing
  • (shout out) to utter a shrill cry
  • (transport) to transport by pipeline Type of: transport
  • (music) to play on a pipe Topic: music. Type of: play
  • (decorate) to trim with piping Type of: decorate. Followed by: sew
  • (extremely) to an extreme degree

piping sinonimai steaming, conduit, gas pipeline, oil pipeline, pipage, pipe, pipeline

pipe sinonimai conduit, duct, fife, hookah, hose, hose pipe, line, main, meerschaum, organ pipe, passage, pipage, pipeline, pipework, piping, tobacco pipe, tobacco-pipe, tube, tubing, whistle, pipe up, shriek, shrill, play the flute

Netoliese piping esantys žodžiai