place lietuviškai
place vertimas 1. n 1) vieta; attendant's place - darbo vieta; natal place (t. p. place of birth) - gimimo vieta; to take place - vykti, įvykti; to give place toužleisti vietą; in place of - vietoj; all over the place - visur; 2) miestas; vietovė; 3) butas, namai; there is no place like home - priež. visur gera, bet namie geriausia; 4) padėtis; pareigos; tarnyba; out of place - bedarbis; 2. v 1) patalpinti; dėti; 2) parūpinti darbą; 3) realizuoti (prekes); to place confidence in - patikėti
- market-place (n.) turgus, prekyvietė, turgavietė
- market place (n.) turgus, prekyvietė, turgavietė
- in the second place (adv.) antras, antra
- fall into place (v.) aiškiai parodyti, būti suprantamam, suprantamai perteikti, perprasti, įsisąmoninti
- in the first place (adv.) pirmiausia, visų pirma, pirma..., antra..., pirma
- out of place () nederamas, ne iš eilės, ne pagal nustatytą tvarką, neteisingas, netinkamas, nesilaikantis reglamento, tvarkos, netvarkingas
- in place (adv.) savo vietoje
- be out of place (v.) sutapti
- place in service (v.) duoti, galioti, pateikti, uždėti, užsimauti, užsivilkti, užtepti
- in another place (adv.) kur nors kitur
- place in use (v.) duoti, galioti, pateikti, uždėti, užsimauti, užsivilkti, užtepti
- place of shelter (n.) priedanga
- place on end (v.) pakelti
- place upright (v.) pastatyti
- place of birth (n.) gimimo vieta
- Place of worship Šventvietė
- place name (n.) vietovardis
- place-name (n.) vietovardis
- place of work (n.) dirbtuvė, cechas
- take place (v.) atsitikti, atsirasti, pasirodyti, iškilti, pasitaikyti, išdygti, švęsti, vykti, įvykti
- (topographic point) a point located with respect to surface features of some region
- (geographical area) any area set aside for a particular purpose
- (cognition) an abstract mental location Type of: cognition
- (vicinity) a general vicinity Type of: vicinity
- (function) the post, or function, properly or customarily occupied or served by another
- (shoes) a particular situation
- (residence) where you live at a particular time
- (occupation) a job in an organization
- (particular portion, space) the particular portion of space occupied by something
- (social station) proper or designated social situation
- (seat) a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane)
- (passage) the passage that is being read Type of: passage
- (condition) proper or appropriate position or location Type of: condition
- (public square) a public square with room for pedestrians
- (item) an item on a list or in a sequence
- (surface area) a blank area
- (pose) to put into a certain place or abstract location
- (place somebody, particular) to place somebody in a particular situation or location Type of: delegate
- (evaluate) to assign a rank or rating to
- (site) to assign a location to
- (arrange for) to arrange for Type of: order
- (come in) to take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal
- (take aim) to intend (something) to move towards a certain goal
- (determine) to recognize as being; to establish the identity of someone or something
- (assign, job, home) to assign to (a job or a home) Type of: delegate
- (situate) to identify the location or place of
- (spend) to make an investment
- (assign, station) to assign to a station
- (race) to finish 2nd or better in a horse or dog race Type of: race
- (sing) to sing a note with the correct pitch Type of: sing
- (calculate) to judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time)
- (performing arts) to perform (a play), especially on a stage
place sinonimai abode, accommodation, berth, billet, blank, blank space, case, domicile, duty, dwelling, dwelling house, habitation, home, house, lieu, niche, office, p, page, Pl., position, post, property, rating, seat, shoes, side, situation, space, spot, station, stead, topographic point, piazza, plaza, appoint, arrange, classify, deposit, dispose, establish, fit up, fix, identify, install, know, lay, locate, order, plant, put, put in, rest, settle, set up, situate, stand, aim, come in, come out, commit, direct, get, grade, identify, instal, install, invest, lay, lay down, localise, localize, locate, order, pinpoint, point, pose, position, post, put, put in, range, rank, rate, send, set, set down, set up, site, station, target, fit up