pointed lietuviškai
pointed vertimas a 1) aštrus, smailus; 2) aštrus, griežtas; 3) nukreiptas
- point at (v.) nutaikyti, taikyti, laikyti ginklą nukreiptą į, parodyti, rodyti, nurodyti, atkreipti dėmesį
- point of departure (n.) orientyras, išeities taškas
- in point of fact (adv.) faktiškai, iš tikrųjų, tiesą sakant, iš esmės
- point of view (n.) nuomonė, požiūris, pažiūra, patarimas, konsiliumas, išvada
- point of view (n.) požiūris, nuomonė, optinis
- make a point (v.) pasitikrinti, įsitikinti
- up to a point (adv.) tam tikru mastu, iš dalies
- point one's toes () ištiesti pėdas
- point-blank (adj.) iš arti, tiesiu taikymu, tiesus, tiesmukiškas, atviras
- point-blank (adv.) nei iš šio, nei iš to
- Point of sale POS sistemos
- growth point (n.) augimo matas
- point out (v.) pareikšti nuomonę, daryti pastabą
- point out () parodyti, rodyti, nurodyti, atkreipti dėmesį
- power point (n.) kištukinis lizdas
- power point (n.) rozetė
- Flash point Pliūpsnio temperatūra
- boiling point (n.) virimo taškas
- boiling-point (n.) virimo taškas
- Boiling point Virimo temperatūra
- game point () lemiamas taškas
- Experience point Patirties taškai
- Dew point Rasos taškas
- Dead Horse Point State Park Negyvojo Arklio kyšulio valstybinis parkas
- freezing point (n.) užšalimo temperatūra, lydymosi temperatūra
- freezing-point (n.) užšalimo temperatūra, lydymosi temperatūra
- melting point (n.) užšalimo temperatūra, lydymosi temperatūra
- melting-point (n.) užšalimo temperatūra, lydymosi temperatūra
- Melting point Lydymosi temperatūra
- Isoelectric point Izoelektrinis taškas
- match point (n.) lemiamas taškas
- Lagrangian point Lagranžo taškas
- Point-to-point construction Tūrinis montažas
- Smoke point Smilkimo temperatūra
- (inform) to indicate a place, direction, person, or thing, either spatially or figuratively
- (lie) to be oriented
- (direct, position, use) to direct into a position for use
- (control) to direct the course; to determine the direction of travelling
- (tell) to be a signal for or a symptom of
- (navigation) to sail close to the wind
- (mark, Hebrew words) to mark (Hebrew words) with diacritics Type of: tag
- (mark, diacritics) to mark with diacritics Type of: tag
- (mark, psalm text) to mark (a psalm text) to indicate the points at which the music changes Type of: tag
- (be) to be positionable in a specified manner Type of: be. Similar to: charge
- (target) to intend (something) to move towards a certain goal
- (indicate, presence, game) to indicate the presence of (game) by standing and pointing with the muzzle Type of: indicate
- (change shape) to give a point to
- (repair) to repair the joints of bricks
- (pointy) having a point
- (direct, obvious, meaning) direct and obvious in meaning or reference; often unpleasant Similar to: direct
pointed sinonimai acicular, acuate, acuminate, acute, aimed, barbed, biting, compact, concise, conspicuous, cuspidate, direct, directed, directly, dry, emphatic, forked, keen, marked, meaning, mordant, needlelike, oriented, penetrating, sardonic, sharp, spiked, straight, succinct
point sinonimai breaker point, comma, compass point, decimal point, degree, detail, distributor point, dot, full point, full stop, gunpoint, head, instant, item, level, minute, moment, nib, peak, percentage point, period, phase, pointedness, point in time, power point, second, sense, socket, spot, stage, stop, tip, beckon, beckon to, exsert, extend, hold out, indicate, make a signal, put out, sharpen, stretch forth, stretch out, suggest, aim, aim at, bespeak, betoken, channelise, channelize, charge, designate, direct, guide, head, indicate, level, luff, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, orient, place, point at, point out, repoint, sharpen, show, signal, signify, steer, taper, target