pop lietuviškai
pop vertimas 1. n 1) (kamščio, šūvio) pokštelėjimas, pykštelėjimas; to go pop pokštelėti, iššauti; staiga mirti; 2) šnek. šnypščiąs gėrimas; 3) tėte (kreipinys); tėvuk (kreipiantis į vyresnįjį); 2. v 1) pokštelėti; pokšėti; pyškinti; 2) staiga pasirodyti; 3) šnek. staiga paklausti; to pop in užsukti, užeiti; to pop in and outbėgioti ten ir atgal;3. a:
- pop up (v.) atsirasti, pasirodyti, atsitikti, iškilti, pasitaikyti, išdygti
- Pop music Popmuzika
- pop the question (v.) pasipiršti
- Pop art Popartas
- pop-gun (n.) orinis pistoletas
- soda pop (n.) putojantis gėrimas, sodos vanduo
- Iggy Pop
- pop (adj.) plačiai žinomas, popmuzikos, populiarus, pripažintas, daugumai prieinamas, suprantamas, daugumai prieinamas/suprantamas
- pop (n.) dunkstelėjimas, smarkus smūgis, trinktelėjimas, putojantis gėrimas, sodos vanduo, pokštelėjimas
- pop (n.) tėvas, tėtis, tėvelis
- pop (v.) pokštelėti, pokšėti, išmaukti, išmesti, išlenkti, išbėgti, išlėkti, grūsti, kimšti, įkišti, atsirasti, pasirodyti, atsitikti, iškilti, pasitaikyti, išdygti
- pop () iššokti
- ginger pop (n.) limonadas
- pop off (v.) atsisveikinti su pasauliu, iškeliauti į amžinybę, mirti, numirti, paskutinį kvapą išleisti, žūti
- pop up (v.) atsirasti, atsitikti, dygti, išdygti, iškilti, kilti, pasirodyti, pasitaikyti
- soda pop (n.) sodos vanduo
- (soft drink) a sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring
- (popping) a sharp explosive sound as from a gunshot or drawing a cork
- (popular music genre) music of general appeal to teenagers; a bland watered-down version of rock'n'roll with more rhythm and harmony, and an emphasis on romantic love
- (parent) a male parent or a term of address to one's male parent
- (change shape) to bulge outward
- (baseball game) to hit a pop-fly Topic: baseball game. Type of: hit
- (go) to make a sharp explosive noise Type of: sound
- (fire) to fire a weapon with a loud explosive noise Type of: fire
- (cause, make, sharp) to cause to make a sharp explosive sound Type of: sound
- (appear) to appear suddenly or unexpectedly
- (throw) to put or thrust suddenly and forcefully Type of: throw
- (let go of) to release suddenly Type of: let go of
- (hit, strike) to hit or strike Type of: hit
- (drink) to drink down entirely
- (inject) to take drugs, especially orally Type of: inject
- (collapse) to cause to burst with a loud, explosive sound Type of: collapse
- (split) to burst open with a sharp, explosive sound Type of: burst
- (nonclassical) of music or art, new and of general appeal (especially among young people)
- (adverb) like a pop or with a pop
- (grouping) a group of organisms of the same species inhabiting a given area
- (people) the people who inhabit a territory or state
- (integer) the number of inhabitants (either the total number or the number of a particular race or class) in a given place (country, city, or so on)
- (democratic) carried on by or for the people (or citizens) at large
- (regarded, great favor) regarded with great favor, approval, or affection, especially by the general public
pop sinonimai popular, bang, boom, bump, carbonated drink, clump, clunk, crack, crash, dad, daddy, fizzy lemonade, lemonade, lemon soda, pa, papa, pop music, poppa, popping, smack, soda, soda water, soft drink, thud, thump, thumping, tonic, soda pop, whop, dad, dada, daddy, father, pa, papa, pappa, pappy, pater, poppa, arise, belt down, be realized, bolt down, bug out, bulge, bulge out, burst, come out, come up, cram, crop up, down, drink down, kill, knock back, occur, pop out, pop up, pour down, protrude, rear up, start, take place, toss off, befall