press lietuviškai
press vertimas Iv verbuoti jėga II1. v 1) spausti; presuoti; 2) primygtinai reikalauti; primesti (upon); 3) skubinti, raginti (for); to be pressed for time skubėti, neturėti laiko; to press down stumti žemyn; to press forward veržtis, stumtis į priekį; to press on skubėti; to press out išspausti; to press to versti, raginti; to press up stumti aukštyn; grūstis, spraustis; to press upon 1) slėgti; 2) įbrukti, įpiršti;2. n 1) spūstis; minia; 2) presas; 3) spaustuvė; 4) spauda; gutter press bulvarinė spauda; 5) spausdinimas
- press release (n.) pranešimas spaudai
- Press release Pranešimas žiniasklaidai
- press on (v.) užsispyrus toliau daryti, tęsti, toliau varyti
- press forward (v.) užsispyrus toliau daryti, tęsti, toliau varyti
- press showing (n.) uždara peržiūra
- press to (v.) versti, priversti, išspausti
- press-cutting (n.) iškarpa
- press cutting (n.) iškarpa
- press down on (v.) spausti
- press into (v.) versti, priversti, išspausti
- press-gang (v.) telkti, verbuoti
- press conference (n.) spaudos konferencija
- press undertaking (n.) spaudos įmonė
- press agency (n.) spaudos agentūra
- press communiqué (n.) pranešimas spaudai
- press out (v.) išgręžti, užgesinti
- press clipping (n.) iškarpa
- public press (n.) spauda, žurnalistai
- scientific press (n.) mokslinė spauda
- freedom of the press (n.) spaudos laisvė
- wine press (n.) spaudiklis, presas
- political press (n.) politinė spauda
- printing press (n.) spausdinimo mašina
- printing-press (n.) spausdinimo mašina
- (urgency) the state of demanding notice or attention
- (print media) the media responsible for gathering and publishing or broadcasting news
- (printing press) a machine used for printing
- (crowd) a dense crowd of people
- (article of furniture) a tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes; has a door and rails or hooks for hanging clothes
- (clamp) clamp to prevent wooden rackets from warping when not in use Type of: clamp
- (mechanical press) any machine that exerts pressure to form, shape, or cut materials, or extract liquids or compress solids
- (weightlifting) a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then smoothly lifted overhead
- (pushing) the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure
- (touch) to exert pressure or force to or upon Type of: touch. Follows: compress, impress, push
- (rede) to force or impel in an indicated direction
- (count) to be oppressive or burdensome
- (flatten out) to place between 2 surfaces and apply weight or pressure Type of: flatten out
- (tighten) to squeeze or press together
- (mass) to crowd closely
- (make) to create by pressing Type of: make
- (be) to be urgent Type of: be
- (advertise) to exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; to be an advocate for
- (cast) to press from a plastic
- (force) to make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby
- (iron out) to press and smooth with a heated iron
- (exercise) to lift weights
- (plead) to ask for or request earnestly
press sinonimai crush, flock, fourth estate, imperativeness, insistence, insistency, ironing, jam, linen closet, linen cupboard, mass, mechanical press, military press, mob, multitude, pressing, printing press, printing-press, public press, squeezer, throng, wine press, closet, juicer, pressure, tension, wardrobe, adjure, agitate, assail, assault, assert, attack, beseech, bid, bombard, bulldoze, bulldoze into, campaign, coerce, coerce into, compact, compel, compel to, compress, conjure, constrain, constrict, contract, crowd round, crusade, crush, dragoon, dragoon into, enforce, enforce on, entreat, exhort, extrude, fight, flatten, force, force on, force onto, force to, force upon, harass, hold down, hold under, hustle, impose, impose on, impose upon, inflict, inflict on, insist, iron, iron out, jam, jostle, keep down, keep under, oblige, oppress, press into, press on, press out, press to, press together, push, repress, saddle with, squeeze, squeeze out, storm, suppress, throng, touch, urge, urge on, weigh, weightlift, weight-lift, jam, jostle, mob, pack, pile, throng, crowd round, enforce, enforce on, enjoin, force, force on, force onto, force upon, impose, impose on, impose upon, inflict, inflict on, jog, jostle, jostle away, knap, knock, nudge, plough on, press forward, press forward/on, press on, press out, push, push ahead, push forward, push on, rap, spin-dry, squeeze out, touch, wallop, wring out