propagate lietuviškai
propagate vertimas v 1) skleisti; propaguoti; 2) dauginti(s)
- (pass on) to transmit from one generation to the next Type of: pass on
- (travel) to travel through the air Type of: travel. Similar to: transmit
- (become distributed, widespread) to become distributed or widespread
- (transmit, cause, broaden) to transmit or cause to broaden or spread Type of: spread
- (publicize) to cause to become widely known
- (plant life) to cause to propagate, as by grafting or layering Topic: plant life. Type of: process
- (biology) to multiply sexually or asexually Topic: biology. Type of: reproduce
- (displace) to send from one person or place to another
propagate sinonimai bandy about, broadcast, broaden, bruit about, bruit abroad, circularise, circularize, circulate, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, distribute, get, get about, get around, get round, impregnate, make known, multiply, pass around, peddle, populate, proclaim from the housetops, proclaim from the rooftops, proliferate, put about, put into circulation, reproduce, shout from the housetops, shout from the rooftops, spread, spread about, spread like wildfire, spread out, tell everyone about
- propagandist
- propaganda
- prop
- propagate
- propagation
- propel
- propeller