quieter lietuviškai
quieter vertimas n raminantis daiktas; tyliau
- keep quiet about () nuslėpti, slėpti, laikyti ką paslaptyje, nutylėti, pasilaikyti sau, nepasakyti apie, laikyti paslaptyje
- be quiet (v.) laikytis ramiai, šaltakraujiškai, laikytis ramiai/šaltakraujiškai
- keep quiet (v.) laikytis ramiai, šaltakraujiškai, laikytis ramiai/šaltakraujiškai
- All Quiet on the Western Front Vakarų fronte nieko naujo
- quiet down (v.) nuraminti, nurimti
- on the quiet () slaptasis, slaptas, slapta, tylomis
- (characterized, absence, absence) characterized by an absence or near absence of agitation or activity Similar to: quiescent, untroubled
- (free, noise, uproar) free of noise or uproar; or making little if any sound Similar to: noiseless, silent, stilly, tiptoe
- (unostentatious) not showy or obtrusive
- (soft) in a softened tone
- (calm) of a body of water, free from disturbance by heavy waves
- (astronomy) of the sun characterized by a low level of surface phenomena like sunspots, for example Topic: astronomy
- (quietly) with little or no activity, or no agitation
quiet sinonimai at ease, at one's ease, calm, collected, composed, cool, discreet, easy, hushed, inaudible, inconspicuous, invisible, leisurely, low, motionless, mum, muted, noiseless, peaceable, peaceful, placid, quietly, relaxing, reposeful, restful, restrained, sedate, serene, silent, smooth, sober, soft, softly, soundless, still, subdued, tranquil, undisturbed, unobtrusive, unpretending, unpretentious, unruffled, untroubled, unperturbed, quietly, lull, peacefulness, placidity, quietness, repose, restfulness, sereneness, serenity, silence, still, stillness, tranquility, tranquillity, calm, calm down, chill out, compose, cool down, cool it, cool off, settle down, simmer down, back down, calm, calm down, climb down, hush, lull, pipe down, quiesce, quiet down, quieten, soothe, still, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize, quieten down