raise lietuviškai
raise vertimas 1. v 1) pakelti; iškelti; 2) sukelti; pažadinti; 3) auginti; auklėti; 4) pastatyti (pastatą); 5) surinkti (mokesčius); 6) sudaryti (armiją, laivyną);to raise the blockade nutraukti blokadą;to raise bread užraugti tešlą (duonai); to raise the devil, to raise hell skandalą kelti, triukšmauti; to raise a loan užtraukti paskolą; to raise money gauti pinigų; to raise the roof skandalą kelti; triukšmauti;2. n 1) (uždangos) pakilimas; pakėlimas; 2) amer. (pvz., atlyginimo) pakėlimas, padidinimas ( rise)
- raise one's eyebrows išplėsti akis
- raise up (v.) pakelti
- raise someone's hopes () teikti kam nors vilčių, sužadinti kieno viltis
- raise to the square (v.) suteikti kvadrato formą, padaryti kvadratą, pakelti kvadratu
- raise Cain (v.) triukšmą, sukelti baisų skandalą, sukelti baisų skandalą/triukšmą
- raise a stink (v.) išlieti pyktį ant, šaipytis, užsipulti, graužti, staiga užsipulti
- raise hell (v.) išlieti pyktį ant, šaipytis, užsipulti, graužti, staiga užsipulti
- raise to the power of two (v.) suteikti kvadrato formą, padaryti kvadratą, pakelti kvadratu
- raise the roof (v.) sukelti baisų skandalą/triukšmą
- raise someone's spirits () pakelti kieno nuotaiką
- Raise Your Fist and Yell
- raise (n.) pakėlimas, pakilimas, įkalnė, šlaitas, kalva
- raise (n.) padidėjimas, priedas, algos pakėlimas
- raise (v.) sukelti, surinkti, pagarsinti, sustiprinti, pakelti, padidėti, didėti, augti, sustiprėti, kelti, paaukštinti, iškelti, užkelti, padidinti, pateikti, telkti, verbuoti, pažadinti, statyti, pastatyti, pakilti, auginti, išauginti, išauklėti, puoselėti, dirbti žemę, ūkininkauti, pasiekti, sudėti, sumontuoti, būti priežastimi, susisiekti su
- raise hell (v.) sukelti baisų skandalą, sukelti baisų skandalą/triukšmą, triukšmą
- raise hell (v.) graužti, užsipulti
- raise the roof (v.) sukelti baisų skandalą, sukelti baisų skandalą/triukšmą, triukšmą
- (increment) the amount a salary is increased
- (slope) an upward slope or grade (as in a road)
- (poker game) increasing the size of a bet (as in poker) Topic: poker game. Type of: gamble
- (propulsion) the act of raising something
- (raise, level, amount) to raise the level or amount of something Type of: increase
- (raise, lower, higher) to raise from a lower to a higher position
- (express) to cause to be heard or known; to express or utter Type of: express
- (collect) to collect funds for a specific purpose Type of: collect
- (farming) to cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques
- (nurture) to bring up
- (call forth) to summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
- (move upwards) to move upwards
- (construction) to construct, build, or erect
- (elicit) to call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
- (create, disturbance, especially) to create a disturbance, especially by making a great noise Type of: make
- (raise, rank, condition) to raise in rank or condition
- (delegate) to give a promotion to or assign to a higher position
- (leaven) to cause to puff up with a leaven
- (bridge) to bid (one's partner's suit) at a higher level Topic: bridge. Type of: bid
- (card game) to bet more than the previous player Topic: card game. Type of: bet
- (enlist) to cause to assemble or enlist in the military
- (mention) to put forward for consideration or discussion
- (pronounce) to pronounce (vowels) by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth Type of: pronounce
- (incite) to activate or stir up Type of: incite
- (radiocommunication) to establish radio communications with Topic: radiocommunication. Type of: reach
- (arithmetic) to multiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times: Topic: arithmetic. Type of: multiply
- (bring out) to bring (a surface or a design) into relief and cause to project Type of: bring out
- (better) to invigorate or heighten
- (end) to put an end to
- (resuscitate) to cause to become alive again
- (make bigger, more) to make bigger or more
raise sinonimai acclivity, ascent, climb, heave, hill, lift, rise, shrug, upgrade, hike, increment, salary increase, wage hike, wage increase, rise, accrue, add to, aggrandise, aggrandize, aggravate, amplify, arouse, ask for, assemble, augment, awaken, boost, bring about, bring on, bring up, broach, build, cause, collect, compile, construct, create, cull, cultivate, effect, effectuate, elevate, engender, enhance, enlarge, erect, evoke, exalt, excite, expand, farm, foster, give, give cause for, give rise to, grow, haul up, heave, heighten, hoist, hoist up, increase, induce, intensify, lift, lift up, magnify, mark up, mount up, nurture, originate, place on end, produce, promote, propagate, provoke, pull up, put on end, put up, raise up, run, run up, set up, set upright, set up right, stir, take up, work, occasion, accrue, add to, advance, approach, arise, arouse, ask for, augment, boost, breed, brew, bring about, bring on, broach, broaden, buttonhole, call down, call forth, cause, come upon, conjure, conjure up, deepen, distill, elevate, elicit, enhance, enkindle, enlarge, enrol, entail, enter upon, erect, evoke, expand, extend, farm, fire, get up, give rise to, grow, heighten, hoist, imply, increase, induce, intensify, invoke, involve, kick upstairs, kindle, leaven, levy, lift, luck into, mount, mount up, nurture, parent, place on end, press-gang, produce, promote, prove, provoke, put forward, put on end, put up, raise to a power, raise up, rear, recall, recruit, result from, resurrect, rise, rise again, rise from the dead, rise from the grave, run, run up, set up, set upright, set up right, spread, stand on end, stir, strengthen, take up, touch on, touch upon, turn up, up, upgrade, upraise, vellicate, widen, yield, bring up, enroll, exacerbate