ran lietuviškai
ran vertimas pt iš run
- run aground (v.) užplaukti ant seklumos
- run for (v.) iškelti save, sutikti būti, būti renkamam, kandidatu, būti renkamam/kandidatu, kelti savo kandidatūrą į
- run into (v.) prisidėti, prisijungti prie, prisidėti/prisijungti prie, mušti, trenkti, pataikyti į, sutikti, susitikti, susidurti su, pasimatyti
- run into () netikėtai sutikti, atsitiktinai sutikti, susidurti su, sužinoti, trinktelėti, atsitrenkti, trenktis, susitrenkti, atsitrenkti į ką, susidurti su kuo, susidurti
- run counter to (v.) prieštarauti
- run afoul (v.) pažeisti
- also-ran (n.) pralaimėtojas
- run low (v.) baigtis, išsekti, sekti, stigti
- run for it () ištrūkti, pasprukti, pabėgti, išsisukti, sprukti
- run a temperature () karščiuoti, turėti karščio
- run across (v.) sutikti, susitikti, susidurti su, pasimatyti
- run across () netikėtai sutikti, atsitiktinai sutikti, susidurti su, sužinoti
- run away (v.) pabėgti, bėgti, palikti, ištrūkti iš, pamėginti sprukti, bėgti nuo
- run away () ištrūkti, pasprukti, pabėgti, išsisukti, sprukti, išvykti, leistis bėgti, mestis, pasileisti bėgti
- run along () išeiti, eiti, išvykti, bėgti šalin
- run amok (v.) pasiusti
- run amuk (v.) pasiusti
- run into one another (v.) sutikti, susitikti, susidurti su, pasimatyti
- in the long run (adv.) vis dėlto, galop, galų gale, baigtis tuo, kad galų gale, pagaliau, galiausiai
- in the short run (adv.) trumpalaikis, artimiausias
- run a risk (v.) rizikuoti, surizikuoti, statyti į pavojų
- run across one another (v.) sutikti, susitikti, susidurti su, pasimatyti
- run around (v.) siausti, šokinėti, šėlioti, išdykauti
- run-in (n.) skandalas, ginčas, rietenos, kivirčas, vaidas
- run in (v.) susemti, sulaikyti, areštuoti
- run in () įvažinėti
- chicken run (n.) aptvaras, žardis
- make a run for it (v.) pabėgti
- run after () persekioti, vytis, sekti, nusivyti, sekioti įkandin
- run its course plėtotis, vykti savaimingai
- run off (v.) priversti bėgti, trauktis, išsklaidyti, nuvaikyti, nubaidyti, išvykti, leistis bėgti, mestis, ištrūkti, pasileisti bėgti, pabėgti
- run off () spausdinti, išspausdinti, vogti, nušvilpti, pabėgti
- run down (v.) baigtis, išsekti, sekti, stigti, peržvelgti, peržiūrėti, permesti akimis, atidžiai apžiūrėti, ištirti, išvarginti, išsemti, išeikvoti, išsekinti
- run down () stoti, sustoti, sustabdyti, išsekti, partrenkti, parblokšti, pakirsti, suvažinėti, pervažiuoti, šmeižti, sutepti gerą vardą, apjuodinti
- on the run (adj.) besislapstantis, pabėgęs
- run out of steam () išsikvėpti
- run out on (v.) palikti bėdoje, nelaimėje
- run up (v.) padidėti, didėti, augti, prisiūti, siūti, dygsniuoti, susiūti, užsiūti, užkelti, pakelti, iškelti, sukurpti
- run up () kaupti, rinktis, sudaryti, kompiliuoti, susikaupti, sukaupti, užeiti ko nors paimti
- run out (v.) baigtis, išsisemti, neturėti pakankamai, turėti nedaug, neturėti daugiau, pristigti, išsipilti, išpilti, nutekėti, nusunkti, nustoti galiojus
- run over (v.) užplūsti, užtvindyti, užplūsti, užtvindyti
- run over () partrenkti, parblokšti, pakirsti, suvažinėti, pervažiuoti, peržiūrėti, peržvelgti, permesti akimis, atnaujinti, patikrinti, kartoti
- run riot šėlti, siautėti
- run the home (v.) prižiūrėti namus
- run the risk of (v.) rizikuoti, surizikuoti, statyti į pavojų
- run the house (v.) prižiūrėti namus
- run to () leisti sau, išgalėti, įpirkti
- run through (v.) vartyti, sklaidyti, sunaudoti, suvartoti, išbraukti iš, išeikvoti, išsemti, išleisti, išnaudoti
- run-through (n.) repeticija
- run through () peržvelgti, peržiūrėti, permesti akimis, atidžiai apžiūrėti, ištirti
- run to seed (v.) apsileisti, menkti, nykti
- short-run (adj.) trumpalaikis, artimiausias
- run the risk (v.) rizikuoti, surizikuoti, statyti į pavojų
- run wild () augti be priežiūros
- run rings round () visiškai sumušti, lengvai įveikti, aplenkti
- run short (v.) baigtis, išsekti, sekti, stigti
- ski run (n.) slidinėjimo nuokalnė, slidinėjimo trasa
- run to earth () atkasti, atrasti, surasti
- (travel rapidly) to move fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time Type of: travel rapidly. Follows: stampede
- (leave) to flee; to take to one's heels
- (extend) to stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; to run or extend between 2 points or beyond a certain point
- (direct) to direct or control projects, businesses, and so on
- (have, particular form) to have a particular form
- (flow) to move along, of liquids
- (perform, expected when) to perform as expected when applied
- (change, be different) to change or be different within limits
- (campaign) to run, stand, or compete for an office or a position
- (cause, emit recorded) to cause to emit recorded audio or video
- (move, freely, restraint) to move about freely and without restraint, or act as if running around in an uncontrolled way Type of: travel
- (tend) to have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; to be inclined
- (be operating, running) to be operating, running or functioning Type of: function. Similar to: function
- (become) to change from one state to another Type of: become
- (process) to cause to perform Type of: process. Similar to: play
- (incur) to be affected by; to be subjected to Type of: incur
- (continue) to continue to exist
- (occur) to occur persistently Type of: occur. Similar to: prevail
- (enforce) to carry out a process or program, as on a computer or a machine
- (circulate) to include as the content; to broadcast or publicize
- (carry through) to carry out Type of: carry through
- (guide) to pass over, across, or through
- (make pass) to cause something to pass or lead somewhere
- (succeed) to make without a miss Topic: sports. Type of: succeed
- (crime) to deal in illegally, such as arms or liquor
- (displace) to cause an animal to move fast Type of: move. Similar to: hunt down
- (spread out) to be diffused
- (sail) to sail before the wind Type of: sail
- (go through) to cover by running; to run a certain distance Type of: pass
- (last) to extend or continue for a certain period of time
- (free) to set animals loose to graze Type of: free
- (accompany) to keep company
- (run, ball, such) to run with the ball, as in such sports as football Topic: sports
- (travel rapidly, unspecified) to travel rapidly, by any (unspecified) means Type of: travel
- (trip) to travel a route regularly
- (capture) to pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals)
- (compete) to compete in a race
- (change) to progress by being changed
- (dissolve) to reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating
- (break) to come unraveled or undone as if by snagging
- (disintegrate) to become undone
run sinonimai carry on, contrive, devise, direct, engine, engineer, invent, mastermind, orchestrate, organise, organize, plan out, reason out, think of, think up, think out, brooklet, campaign, chicken run, chicken yard, discharge, footrace, foot race, fowl run, henhouse, hen yard, ladder, outpouring, political campaign, ravel, rill, rivulet, runnel, running, running game, running play, streak, streamlet, tally, test, trial, racing, running, race, accrue, add to, administer, administrate, aggrandise, aggrandize, augment, be given, be inclined to, be in operation, be running, be working, black market, bleed, boost, bootleg, break away, bunk, campaign, canter, carry, challenge, climb, compete, consort, contend, continue, convey, course, creep, die hard, draw, endure, enlarge, escape, expand, extend, feed, flee, flow, fly the coop, function, go, go at a trot, govern, grow, guide, hasten, have a tendency to, head for the hills, heighten, hightail it, hunt, hunt down, hurry, incline, increase, jog, ladder, lam, lead, leak, lean, lope, manage, melt, melt down, mount up, move, not be colorfast, not be colourfast, operate, pass, persist, play, ply, pour, prevail, proceed, race, raise, range, reach, read, run away, run for, run off, run up, scarper, scat, scramble, scurry, smuggle, speed, spread, stream, stretch, take to the woods, tend, tend to, tend towards, track down, transport, trot, turn tail, unravel, work, accrue, augment, bootleg, dash, grow, increase, jog, mount, mount up, put up, race, raise, run away, run off, run up, smuggle, strengthen, traffic, not be colorfast, not be colourfast, administer, administrate, control, execute, govern, launch, manage, preside, regulate, steer