recruit lietuviškai

recruit vertimas 1. n 1) kar. naujokas; 2) naujas narys; 2. v verbuoti, imti naujokus

  • military recruit (n.) naujokas
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (enlisted man) a recently enlisted soldier
  • (newcomer) any new member or supporter (as in the armed forces)
  • (register) to register formally as a participant or member
  • (engage) to seek to employ Type of: engage
  • (draft) to cause to assemble or enlist in the military

recruit sinonimai beginner, conscript, draftee, enlistee, military recruit, novice, rookie, trainee, bring into action, conscript, contract, deploy, draft, enrol, enter, inscribe, levy, muster in, press-gang, put down for, put into action, put into service, raise, take on, enlist, enroll

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