relay lietuviškai
relay vertimas I1. n 1) el. perjungėjas; relė; 2) rad. retransliacija;2. v rad. retransliuoti II1. n 1) pamaina; 2) retransliatorius;2. v 1) perduoti (gavus); 2) keisti pamainą; 3) transliuoti (per retransliatorių)
- relay race (n.) estafetė
- Relay race Estafetė
- Internet Relay Chat IRC
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (passage) the passing of something along from one person or group to another Type of: passage
- (shift) a crew of workers who relieve another crew Type of: shift
- (team) a fresh team to relieve weary draft animals Type of: team
- (race) a race between teams; each member runs or swims part of the distance
- (electrical device) electrical device such that current flowing through it in one circuit can switch on and off a current in a 2nd circuit
- (communicate) to pass along Type of: communicate
- (operate) to control or operate by relay Type of: operate
relay sinonimai electrical relay, relay race, broadcast, send, transmit
Netoliese relay esantys žodžiai