remember lietuviškai
remember vertimas v 1) atsiminti, atminti; to remember oneself atsikvošėti; 2) pasveikinti; rememb me (kindly) to your father perduokit mano linkėjimus savo tėvui
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (retrieve) to recall knowledge from memory; to have a recollection
- (think of) to keep in mind for attention or consideration
- (misremember) to recapture the past; to indulge in memories
- (bequeath) to show appreciation to Type of: bequeath
- (mention favorably, prayer) to mention favorably, as in prayer Type of: mention
- (commend) to mention as by way of greeting or to indicate friendship
- (associate) to exercise, or have the power of, memory Type of: associate
- (commemorate) to call to remembrance; to keep alive the memory of someone or something, as in a ceremony
- (review) to look back upon (a period of time, sequence of events)
remember sinonimai bear in mind, call back, call to mind, call up, cast one's mind back, cast one's mind back to, commemorate, commend, commit to memory, con, give s.o.'s best regards to, give s.o.'s regards to, hark back, hark back to, immortalise, immortalize, learn, memorialise, memorialize, memorise, memorize, mind, observe, recall, recollect, record, reminisce, retain, retrieve, salute, say hello to, take good notice of, think, think back, think back to, think of, treasure, inculcate
Netoliese remember esantys žodžiai
- remedy
- remediation
- remarkably
- remember
- remembrance
- remind
- reminder