right lietuviškai
right vertimas 1. a 1) dešinysis; 2) tiesus; right line tiesioji; right angle statusis kampas; 3) teisingas, teisus; to be right būti teisiam; to get it right teisingai suprasti; to put/set right ištaisyti, sutvarkyti; 2. v 1) pasitaisyti; ištaisyti; 2) ištiesinti; 3. n 1) teisė; teisingumas; he is in the right jis teisus; 2) dešinioji pusė arba ranka; 4. adv 1) teisingai; 2) tiesiog; 3) dešinėn; 4) tiksliai, kaip tik; 5) labai; all right gerai, puiku; to feel all right gerai jaustis, būti sveikam; right away/now/off tuojaus, nedelsiant
- hard right (n.) kraštutinė dešinė
- be right (v.) išsispręsti, susitvarkyti
- come out right (v.) išsispręsti, susitvarkyti
- all right (adj.) visiškai geras, jau gerai, klausau, geros formos, puikus
- all right (adv.) puikiai, gerai, puiku!, gerai!
- Right to die Teisė į mirtį
- be all right (v.) sektis
- civil right (n.) pilietinės teisės
- put right (v.) nustatyti, sutvarkyti, ištaisyti, pataisyti, pašalinti, atitaisyti, pastatyti ant kojų
- put right () sutaisyti, taisyti, pataisyti, suremontuoti
- right along (adv.) visą laiką
- right angle (n.) statusis kampas
- Right ascension Rektascensija
- right away (adv.) tučtuojau, nedelsiant, iš karto, tuoj pat, spėriai, skubiai, labai greitai, tuojau pat, tą pačią sekundę, tuojau, vietoje, greitai, kaip kulka, vienu ypu
- right to demonstrate (n.) teisė rengti demonstracijas
- right off (adv.) tučtuojau, nedelsiant, iš karto, tuoj pat, spėriai, skubiai, labai greitai, tuojau pat, tą pačią sekundę, tuojau, vietoje, greitai, kaip kulka, vienu ypu
- right of pre-emption (n.) pirmenybės teisė pirkti
- right to justice (n.) teisė kreiptis į teismą
- right of veto (n.) veto
- right of establishment (n.) steigimosi teisė
- right to housing (n.) teisė į būstą
- right to information (n.) teisė gauti ir skleisti informaciją
- right to culture (n.) teisė turėti savo kultūrą
- right of repossession (n.) teisė atgauti nuosavybę
- right to health (n.) teisė į sveikatos priežiūrą
- right of first publication (n.) autoriaus teisė
- right of way (n.) pirmumo teisė, takais, teisė naudotis privačia žeme einančiais keliais, viešas kelias privačia žeme, teisė naudotis privačia žeme einančiais keliais/takais
- right-of-'way () viešas kelias privačia žeme
- right to development (n.) teisė į vystymąsi
- right now (adv.) dabar, šiuo metu
- right now () tučtuojau, nedelsiant, iš karto, tuoj pat, spėriai, skubiai, labai greitai, tuojau pat, tą pačią sekundę, tuojau, vietoje, greitai, kaip kulka, vienu ypu
- right of asylum (n.) prieglobsčio teisė
- Right of asylum Prieglobstis
- right smart (adv.) toli
- right of action (n.) ieškinio pareiškimo teisė
- right by () apie, apytikriai, maždaug, prie, šalia, beveik, arti, daugmaž, daugiau ar mažiau, tarkim, kažkiek, šiek tiek
- right to education (n.) teisė į mokslą
- right hand (n.) dešinioji ranka, dešinė
- right-hand (adj.) į dešinę, visiškai, dešinys
- political right (n.) politinė dešinė
- right to physical integrity (n.) teisė į fizinę sveikatą
- right to physical integrity [V4.1] teisė į fizinę sveikatą [V4.1]
- set right (v.) nustatyti
- right to stand for election (n.) teisė kandidatuoti
- right-angled (adj.) stačiakampis
- right-winger (n.) dešinysis
- established right (n.) įtvirtinta teisė
- right wing (n.) dešinieji, dešinysis sparnas
- right wing (adj.) dešinysis
- artist's resale right (n.) originalo perpardavimo atlygio teisė
- plant variety right (n.) augalų veislės nuosavybės teisė
- Right whale Tikrieji banginiai
- right-down (adj.) grynas, visiškas
- right-handed (adj.) dešiniarankis
- the right way (adv.) padoriai
- right-hand man (n.) dešinioji ranka
- set up right (v.) pakelti
- misuse of a right (n.) piktnaudžiavimas teise
- right to strike (n.) teisė streikuoti
- right to stopover (n.) sustojimo mokestis
- right to vote (n.) balsavimas, balsavimo teisė, rinkimų, rinkimų/balsavimo teisė
- right to vote (n.) balsavimo teisė
- right to physical integrity [V4.1] () teisė į fizinę sveikatą [V4.1]
- right to physical integrity [V4.1] (n.) teisė į fizinę sveikatą [V4.1]
- right-oh () sutvarkytas, sveikas, tinkamas, gerai
- extreme right (n.) kraštutinė dešinė
- right to work (n.) teisė į darbą
- Right to work Teisė į darbą
- right to housing [V4.1] teisė į būstą [V4.1]
- right to housing [V4.1] (n.) teisė į būstą [V4.1]
- space property right (n.) teisė į kosminės erdvės nuosavybę
- (abstraction) an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law, tradition, or nature Type of: abstraction
- (position) location near or direction toward the right side; that is, the side to the south when a person or object faces east
- (tract) the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's right
- (faction) those who support political, social, or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged
- (general anatomy) the hand that is on the right side of the body
- (turning) a turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east
- (justice) anything in accord with principles of justice
- (interest) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing Type of: interest
- (compensate) to make reparations or amends for
- (put, restore, upright) to put in or restore to an upright position Type of: change
- (change posture) to regain an upright or proper position Type of: change posture
- (change by reversal) to make right or correct
- (being, located, directed) being, located on, or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north
- (free, error) free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth
- (socially right, correct) socially right or correct
- (ethical) in conformance with justice, law, or morality Similar to: ethical. Described by: rightness
- (right-minded) correct in opinion or judgment
- (appropriate) appropriate for a condition, purpose, occasion, or a person's character, needs
- (belonging, political, intellectual) of or belonging to the political or intellectual right Similar to: conservative, oldline, reactionary, rightish, rightist
- (satisfactory) in or into a satisfactory condition Similar to: satisfactory
- (intended, right hand) intended for the right hand
- (accord, accepted standards) in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure
- (geometry) having the axis perpendicular to the base Topic: geometry. Similar to: perpendicular
- (outside) of the side of cloth or clothing, facing or intended to face outward Similar to: outside
- (opportune) most suitable or right for a particular purpose
- (accurate) precisely accurate
- (precisely, exactly) precisely, exactly
- (rightward) toward or on the right; also used figuratively
- (properly) in the right manner
- (right on) an interjection expressing agreement
- (mighty) very; to a great degree
- (justly) in accordance with moral or social standards
- (correctly) in an accurate manner
- (precisely) indicating exactness or preciseness
- (wholly) to a complete degree, or to the full or entire extent
- (immediately) without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening
right sinonimai absolutely, all, altogether, at once, at the double, bound to, certain, certainly, clean, completely, dead, definitely, directly, downright, entirely, exactly, for certain, for sure, forthwith, fully, immediately, indeed, instantly, like a house on fire, like a shot, now, O.K., on the double, out, outright, perfectly, promptly, quite, really, reliably, right away, right now, safely, securely, so, straight away, straight off, sure, sure as shooting, sure enough, surely, this instant, thoroughly, to one's fingertips, totally, to the bone, to the fingertips, truly, up to the hilt, utterly, very, whole, wholly, right off, straightaway, accurate, apposite, appropriate, apt, authentic, available, becoming, correct, due, equitable, erect, exact, fair, fair-minded, fit, fitting, genuine, good, honest, just, lawful, legitimate, normal, offside, perpendicular, pertinent, precise, proper, rational, reasonable, rightful, right-hand, right wing, right-wing, ripe, sane, seemly, straight, suitable, true, upright, valid, veracious, vertical, rightist, right-wing, aright, correctly, decent, decently, exactly, fair, fairly, flop, incisively, in good order, just, justly, mightily, mighty, powerful, precisely, properly, rightly, right on, the right way, well-, direct, directly, straightly, offside, on the right, right-hand, to the right, eh, excuse me, isn't it, pardon, what, convincing, entitlement, jurisprudence, law, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand, right wing, valid, amend, iron out, put right, straighten out, compensate, correct, draw on, draw up, look over, look through, rectify, redress, emend, grade, mark