rolling lietuviškai
rolling vertimas 1. a 1) supąs; ridinąs; 2) dundąs; 3) kalvotas (bangų formos);2. n 1) valcavimas, volavimas; 2) (laivo) supimas; rolling- pinn kočiotuvas (tešlai)
- get rolling (v.) pasiskubinti, imti ir daryti
- roll off (v.) atbarškinti, išpyškinti, išpilti
- keep the ball rolling () pradėti, palaikyti pokalbį, pradėti/palaikyti pokalbį
- rock and roll (n.) rokas, rokenrolas
- rock-and-roll (n.) rokas, rokenrolas
- Rock and roll Rokenrolas
- rolling stock (n.) riedmenys
- roll in the hay (n.) pisimasis, pisimas
- roll in the hay (v.) pisti, knistis, mylėtis, miegoti, prisukti, įsukti, atsukti
- rolling pin (n.) kočėlas
- rolling-pin (n.) kočėlas
- rolling wave (n.) didžiulė banga
- roll of tobacco (n.) rūkymas
- roll call (n.) patikrinimas šaukiant pavardėmis
- roll-call (n.) patikrinimas šaukiant pavardėmis
- roll in (v.) plaukti, plūsti
- roll of thunder (n.) blyksnis, blykstelėjimas, perkūno trenksmas, žaibas
- roll out (v.) kočioti, voluoti
- roll-call vote (n.) vardinis balsavimas
- roll up (v.) suvynioti, suskleisti, užraitoti, surišti, kaupti, rinktis, sudaryti, kompiliuoti, susikaupti, sukaupti, užeiti ko nors paimti
- roll up () nueiti, atvykti, ateiti, būti, eiti, atvažiuoti, užsukti, prieiti
- (pealing) a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)
- (robbery) the act of robbing a helpless person Type of: robbery
- (propulsion) the propelling of something on wheels
- (turn) to move by turning over or rotating
- (wheel) to move along on, or as if on, wheels or a wheeled vehicle
- (stative verb) to occur in soft rounded shapes
- (flatten) to flatten or spread with a roller
- (perception verb) to emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound Type of: sound
- (wind) to arrange or coil around
- (function) to begin operating or running Type of: function
- (shape) to shape by rolling Type of: shape
- (tumble) to execute a roll, in tumbling Type of: tumble
- (steal) to sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity
- (flap) to move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion
- (wander) to move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment
- (rock) to move, rock, or sway from side to side Type of: rock
- (cause, move, turning) to cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis
- (pronounce) to pronounce with a roll, of the phoneme /r/ Type of: pronounce
- (churn) to boil vigorously
- (change shape) to take the shape of a roll or cylinder Type of: change shape
- (change) to show certain properties when being rolled
- (pronounceable) uttered with a trill
rolling sinonimai cragged, craggy, cut by valleys, hilly, mountainous, resonant, resonating, resounding, reverberating, reverberative, rolled, slanting, sloping, trilled, undulating, peal, pealing, roll, wheeling
roll sinonimai automobile, drive, go by car, axial motion, axial rotation, bankroll, bobbin, bowl, bread roll, bun, cast, coil, curl, curlicue, drum roll, growling, grumble, grumbling, gyre, inductor, language, list, muttering, paradiddle, peal, pealing, register of names, ringlet, roar, roaring, roller, rolling, rolling wave, roster, rumble, rumbling, scroll, spindle, terminology, whorl, nomenclature, reel, spool, billow, cast, coil, coil up, drift, drum, enfold, envelop, flap, flatten, flow, go astray, gyrate, hustle, joggle, kick around, move to and fro, pluck, ramble, range, revolve, roam, roam around, rock, roll out, roll up, rotate, rumble, seethe, shake, spin, steamroller, stray, stray off, swan, sway, tramp, trundle, turn over, twine, twist, undulate, vagabond, wander, wander around, wander away, wave, wheel, wiggle, wind, wobble, wrap, kick about, roam about, rove, wander about, go around, revolve, revolve on its axis, rotate, flatten, furl, roll up, steamroller