round lietuviškai
round vertimas 1. a 1) apskritas, apvalus; 2) ištisinis; atviras, status; a round oath šiurkštus, smarkus keiksmas; 3) malonus (balsas);2. n 1) ratas; 2) judėjimas ratu; ciklas; 3) apėjimas; to go/make the round apeiti; apskrieti; to go for a round eiti pasivaikščioti; to show smb round parodyti įžymybes; 4) sport. turas, raundas; a round of cheers/applause audringi plojimai;3. adv aplink;all the year round visus metus; to sleep the clock round išmiegoti visą parą;4. prp 1) aplink, apie; round the corner už kampo; 2) po; round the garden po sodą; 5. v 1) daryti apvalų, suapvalinti, aplenkti; 2) apsisukti
- round out (v.) nudailinti, nušlifuoti
- round on () išlieti pyktį ant, šaipytis, užsipulti, graužti, staiga užsipulti
- round shot (n.) patrankos sviedinys
- go round () užtekti visiems
- go round with (v.) bendrauti, užmegzti pažintį, rimtai draugauti, trankytis
- round about () apie, apytikriai, maždaug, prie, šalia, beveik, arti, daugmaž, daugiau ar mažiau, tarkim, kažkiek, šiek tiek, aplink, ratu, aplinkui
- round the back (adv.) arti atramos, atgalinis, nukreiptas atgal, atgal, atbulom, užpakaliu
- pull round (v.) pergyventi
- all round (adv.) aplink, ratu, aplinkui
- all-round (adj.) visapusiškas
- all round () iš rankų į rankas, aplink, aplinkui, iš visų pusių
- come round () aplankyti, užeiti, užsukti, atsigauti, atgaivinti, atgyti
- look round (v.) išvysti, matyti, apžiūrėti
- get round () papirkti, įkalbinti, pasiekti
- round bracket (n.) lenktiniai skliaustai
- round off (v.) nudailinti, nušlifuoti, tobulinti
- round off () užbaigti, apvainikuoti
- bring round (v.) atgaivinti
- round trip (n.) kelionė ten ir atgal, kelionė ratu
- round the clock (adv.) kiaurą parą
- round-the-clock (adj.) visada
- round the bend (adj.) trenktas, kvaišas, kaip maišu trenktas, riešuto, pakvaišęs, kuoktelėjęs, pametęs galvą, iškleręs
- talk round (v.) įtikinti
- talk round () įkalbinėti, atkalbinėti, įkalbėti, atkalbėti, įtikinti, palenkti į savo pusę, kalbėti užuolankomis, be galo apie, kalbėti užuolankomis/be galo apie
- round-backed (adj.) sulinkęs, susikūprinęs, pakumpęs
- round-eyed (adj.) vaikiškas, kaip vaikas
- the other way round (adv.) priešingai
- Dillon Round (n.) Dilono derybų ratas
- Kennedy Round (n.) Kenedžio derybų ratas
- Tokyo Round (n.) Tokijo derybų ratas
- Uruguay Round (n.) Urugvajaus derybų ratas
- round-trip ticket (n.) bilietas ten ir atgal
- round-shouldered (adj.) pakumpęs, sulinkęs, susikūprinęs
- (ammunition) a charge of ammunition for a single shot
- (time interval) an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs
- (route) a regular route for a sentry or policeman
- (call) a series of professional calls (usually in a set order)
- (golf game) the activity of playing 18 holes of golf
- (habitude) the usual activities in your day
- (sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive
- (track) the course along which communications spread Type of: path
- (helping) a serving to each of a group (usually alcoholic)
- (cut of beef) a cut of beef between the rump and the lower leg Type of: cut of beef
- (partsong) a partsong in which voices follow each other; one voice starts and others join in one after another until all are singing different parts of the song at the same time
- (applause) an outburst of applause Type of: applause
- (crosspiece) a crosspiece between the legs of a chair
- (rotating mechanism) any circular or rotating mechanism
- (travel) to wind around; to move along a circular course Type of: travel
- (shape) to make round
- (pronounce) to pronounce with rounded lips
- (knock) to attack in speech or writing
- (perfect) to bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state
- (change) to express as a round number
- (gain) to become round, plump, or shapely
- (circular) having a circular shape
- (full) of sounds, full and rich
- (mathematics) expressed to the nearest integer, 10, hundred, or thousand
- (around) from beginning to end
round sinonimai about, all round, around, bullet, burst, slug, turn, barrage, fusillade, salvo, volley, annular, bulging, candid, circle, circular, convex, cylindrical, entire, frank, full, globular, orbed, orotund, outspoken, pear-shaped, plain, plump, ring-shaped, rotund, rounded, sonorous, spherical, unbroken, whole, about, about turn!, all round, in the vicinity of, of, off, round about, all around, around, spherical, beat, bout, circle, cycle, daily round, one shot, piece, rhythm, round of drinks, round of golf, rounds, rung, slab, slice, stave, troll, turn, unit of ammunition, about, almost, approximately, around, beside, broadly, by, close on, close to, in the region of, -ish, just about, more or less, near, near to, next to, or so, or thereabouts, right by, roughly, roundabout, round about, some, something like, somewhere in the region of, thereabout, thereabouts, approx, in the neighborhood of, in the neighbourhood of, sort of, toward, towards, assail, assault, attack, brush up, circle, encircle, environ, fill out, flesh out, go around, labialise, labialize, lash out, polish, polish up, ring, rotate, rotate about, round down, round off, round out, run around, snipe, surround, turn around, walk around, walk round, circle about, circle around, circle round, go round, revolve around, revolve round, rotate around, run round, turn round