rub lietuviškai

rub vertimas 1. v 1) trinti(s); 2) liestis; 3) (apie batą) spausti; 4) liesti vienas kitą; 5) erzinti; to rub along (nesunkiai) prasistumti, prasispausti; rub to rub along with smb sugyventi; to rub away nu(si)trinti; to rub down 1) nu(iš)lyginti; 2) apsitrinti, nusišluostyti (rankšluoščiu); 3) valyti arklį; to rub in įtrinti;perk. a) įkalti; b) pakartoti; to rub off nutrinti, ištrinti; to rub through pratrinti; to rub up a) poliruoti; b) atnaujinti; c) atgaivinti atmintyje;2. n 1) trynimas; valymas; to give a rub patrinti, įtrinti; 2) šnek. kliūtis, sunkumas

  • Rub' al Khali Rub el Halis
  • rub it in (v.) priminti, prikaišioti
  • rub against (v.) šveisti, trinti, grandyti
  • rub in (v.) šveisti, trinti, grandyti
  • rub out (v.) ištrinti
  • rub shoulders with () bendrauti, kartu trintis
  • rub down (v.) masažuoti
  • rub down () nušluostyti, nuvalyti, iššluostyti, nubraukti
  • rub up (v.) nublizginti, blizginti
  • rub up () blizginti, šveisti, poliruoti
  • rub over (v.) šveisti, trinti, grandyti
  • rub up the wrong way () erzinti, pykinti, paprašyti, sutrukdyti, nervinti, trukdyti, varginti, įsibrauti, supykinti, suerzinti
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (obstacle) an unforeseen obstacle
  • (physical contact) the act of rubbing or wiping
  • (guide) to move over something with pressure Type of: guide. Follows: erase, file, gloss, grate, massage, polish, rasp, smoothen. Followed by:...
  • (touch) to cause friction
  • (irritate) to scrape or rub as if to relieve itching

rub sinonimai flick, hang-up, hitch, snag, whisk, wipe, abrade, chafe, grate, knead, massage, polish, scour, scrape, shine, chafe, fray, fret, graze, itch, rub against, rub in, rub over, scour, scratch, scrub

Netoliese rub esantys žodžiai