saving lietuviškai
saving vertimas 1. a 1) išganingas(is); 2) taupąs; taupomasis;2. n 1) taupymas; 2)pl santaupos; 3. prp išskyrus; saving your presence arbareverence atleiskite už išsireiškimą, pasisakymą
- labour-saving (adj.) lengvinantis/taupantis darbą
- Daylight saving time Vasaros laikas
- saving clause (n.) apsauginis straipsnis
- energy saving (n.) energijos taupymas
- face-saving (adj.) gelbėjantis prestižą/reputaciją
- compulsory saving (n.) privalomasis taupymas
- saving grace (n.) tai, kas gelbsti, privalumas
- life-saving (n.) pirmoji pagalba, gyvybės gelbėjimas
- scrimp and save (v.) šykštėti, taupyti
- save up (v.) atidėti, padėti į šalį
- save up () atidėti, taupyti
- save one's face () gelbėti kieno nors prestižą/reputaciją
- save ZZZetcZZZ for a rainy day () laikyti/taupyti juodai dienai
- Saving Private Ryan Gelbstint eilinį Rajaną
- God Save the Tsar! Rusijos Imperijos valstybinis himnas
- God Save the Queen Jungtinės Karalystės himnas
- Save the Children Gelbėkit vaikus
- (action) an act of economizing; reduction in cost
- (recovery) the recovery or preservation from loss or danger
- (protection) the activity of protecting something from loss or danger
- (salvage) to save from ruin, destruction, or harm
- (preserve) to keep up and reserve for personal or special use
- (carry through) to bring into safety
- (spend less) to spend less; to buy at a reduced price Followed by: buy
- (save up) to accumulate money for future use
- (prevent) to make unnecessary an expenditure or effort
- (organised religion) to save from sins
- (refrain) to refrain from harming
- (spend) to spend sparingly, avoid the waste of
- (reserve) to retain rights to
- (information technology) to record data on a computer
- (good) bringing about salvation or redemption from sin
- (thrifty) characterized by thriftiness Similar to: thrifty
saving sinonimai careful, compensatory, economic, economical, frugal, redeeming, redemptive, sparing, thrifty, delivery, economy, preservation, rescue, salvage, salvation, deliverance, apart from, bar, barring, but, except, except for, excepting, exclusive, aside from, save
save sinonimai but, except, excepted, except for, apart from, bar, barring, but, except, except for, excepting, exclusive, aside from, saving, avert, avoid, bring through, carry through, clear away, collect, conserve, cut back, cut down, debar, defend, deflect, deliver, economize, economize on, fence off, fend off, forefend, forestall, forfend, free, gather, go easy on, guard, handle carefully, have in reserve, hive away, hold open, insulate, keep, keep in reserve, keep open, lay aside, lay by, lay down, lay in, lay in stock, lay up, liberate, make unnecessary, obviate, offer protection, overcome, parry, preserve, prevent, protect, pull through, put aside, put by, put in, recover, redeem, relieve, remove, repel, rescue, reserve, retain, safeguard, salt away, salvage, salve, save up, Scania, set aside, spare, stack away, stash away, stave off, store, store up, treat carefully, treat tactfully, ward off, write, economise, economise on, head off, back up, deliver, keep, rescue, retain, salvage