service lietuviškai
service vertimas n 1) tarnyba; civil service valstybinė, pilietinė tarnyba; colour service kar. tikroji karinė tarnyba (Anglijoje); national servicevisuotinė darbo ar karinė prievolė; secret service kontržvalgyba; senior servicejūrinė tarnyba; to see service a) būti patyrusiu kariu; b) nusinešioti; 2) aptarnavimas; maid service apskalbimas; public service komunaliniai patarnavimai; medical service medicininis aptarnavimas; 3) geležinkelių, garlaivių judėjimas; 4) paslauga, patarnavimas, pagalba; at your servicejūsų paslaugoms; to be of service to būti naudingam kam nors; to do a service patarnauti; 5) servizas; 6) a church service pamaldos;
- National Park Service Nacionalinė parkų tarnyba
- be in service of (v.) dirbti
- ill service (n.) pakenkimas, meškos paslauga
- military service (n.) tarnyba, viena iš karinių pajėgų
- military service (n.) karinė prievolė
- Military service Karo tarnyba
- public service (n.) viešoji tarnyba
- civil service (n.) valstybės tarnyba
- Civil service Valstybės tarnyba
- national service (n.) krašto karinė tarnyba
- national service (n.) karinė prievolė
- put into service (v.) imti á kariuomenæ
- self-service (n.) savitarna
- service station (n.) degalinė, degalinė ir technikos priežiūros stotis
- service-station (n.) degalinė ir technikos priežiūros stotis
- service entrance panel (n.) komutatorius, skirstomasis skydas
- service concession (n.) paslaugos koncesija
- service department (n.) automobilių remonto dirbtuvės
- service man (n.) taisytojas, meistras
- service occupation (n.) aptarnautojai
- tea service (n.) arbatos servizas
- tea-service () arbatos servizas
- service industry (n.) paslaugų pramonė
- take service (v.) stoti į karo tarnybą, įstoti į kariuomenę
- alternative service (n.) pakaitinė tarnyba
- European civil service (n.) Europos civilinė tarnyba
- after-sales service (n.) paslaugos po prekių pardavimo
- on line data service (n.) operatyviosios duomenų paslaugos
- international civil service (n.) tarptautinė viešoji tarnyba
- payable service (n.) mokama paslauga
- free service (n.) nemokama paslauga
- information service (n.) žvalgyba, informacinė paslauga
- information service (n.) informacinė paslauga
- EC language service (n.) EB kalbų tarnyba
- employment service (n.) įdarbinimo tarnyba
- health service (n.) sveikatos apsauga, sveikatos priežiūros tarnyba
- health service (n.) sveikatos priežiūros tarnyba
- public service employee (n.) valstybės tarnautojas
- State health service (n.) valstybinė sveikatos priežiūros tarnyba
- universal service (n.) universalioji paslauga
- women's military service (n.) moterų karinė tarnyba
- postal service (n.) paštas, korespondencija, pašto tarnyba
- postal service (n.) pašto tarnyba
- secret service (n.) slaptoji tarnyba
- voluntary military service (n.) savanoriška karinė tarnyba
- (yakka) work done by one person or group that benefits another
- (aid) an act of help or assistance Type of: aid
- (religious ceremony) the act of public worship following prescribed rules
- (company) a company or agency that performs a public service; subject to government regulation
- (employment) employment in or work for another
- (military machine) a force that is a branch of the armed forces
- (helpfulness) a means of serving
- (tableware) tableware consisting of a complete set of articles (silver or dishware) for use at table
- (coupling) the act of mating by male animals
- (case law) the acts performed by an English feudal tenant for the benefit of his lord which formed the consideration for the property granted to him Topic: case law. Type of: activity
- (tennis stroke) a stroke that puts the ball in play
- (delivery) the delivering of a writ or summons upon someone
- (care) a periodic maintenance on a car or machine
- (accommodation) the performance of duties by a waiter or servant
- (function) to be used by, as of a utility
- (tune up) to make fit for use Type of: tune up
- (copulate) to mate with
- (writer) a Canadian writer (born in England) who wrote about life in the Yukon Territory (born: 1874 – died: 1958)
Service sinonimai Robert William Service
service sinonimai agency, armed service, assistance, avail, ceremony, church, church service, cult, divine service, duty, favor, favour, help, inspection, inspection and repair, mass, Mass, military service, office, overhaul, religious service, review, rite, section, service of process, services, servicing, serving, set, survey, table service, usefulness, view, worship, department, ward, serve, serve, tup