sex lietuviškai
sex vertimas n biol. lytis; the fair/gentle sex dailioji lytis, moterys; the softer/ weaker sex silpnoji lytis, moterys; the stronger/sterner sex vyrai, stiprioji lytis
- Anal sex Analinis seksas
- Oral sex Oralinis seksas
- sex education (n.) žinios apie lytinį gyvenimą, iš kur atsiranda vaikai, lytinis auklėjimas
- sex education (n.) lytinis auklėjimas
- sex offense (n.) seksualinė prievarta
- distribution by sex (n.) pasiskirstymas pagal lytį
- sex organ (n.) giminė, lytis, lyčių, lytiniai organai, lyties organai, genitalijos
- Sex organ Dauginimosi organai
- Group sex Grupinis seksas
- sex crime (n.) seksualinė prievarta
- Secondary sex characteristic Antriniai lytiniai požymiai
- sex appeal (n.) seksualinis patrauklumas
- have sex (v.) pisti, knistis, mylėtis, miegoti, prisukti, įsukti, atsukti
- same-sex marriage (n.) homoseksualų santuoka
- Same-sex marriage Tos pačios lyties asmenų santuoka
- sex act (n.) lytinis aktas, sueitis, lytiniai santykiai
- female sex organ (n.) putė, moters lyties organas, putytė, kušys
- 69 (sex position) 69 (sekso poza)
- Sex and the City Seksas ir miestas
- Sex positions Sekso poza
- Woman on top (sex position) Raitelės poza
- (bodily process) activities associated with sexual intercourse
- (class) either of the 2 categories (male or female) into which most organisms are divided Type of: class
- (feeling) all of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses
- (physiological property) the properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles
- (stimulate) to stimulate sexually
- (distinguish) to tell the sex (of young chickens) Type of: distinguish
Sex sinonimai Genotypic Sex, Phenotypic Sex, sex-, sext-
sex sinonimai sexual, carnal knowledge, coition, coitus, congress, copulation, fornication, gender, intercourse, private parts, relation, sex act, sex activity, sex organ, sexual act, sexual activity, sexual congress, sexual intercourse, sexuality, sexual practice, sexual relation, sexual urge, union of the flesh, screwing, arouse, bang, bed, be intimate, bone, bonk, do it, eff, excite, get it on, get laid, get off, have a go at it, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, hump, jazz, know, lie with, love, make out, roll in the hay, sleep together, tempt, turn on, wind up, ball, engage in coitus, fuck, go to bed with, have sex, have sexual intercourse, make love, root, screw, sleep with
sex- sinonimai Genotypic Sex, Phenotypic Sex, Sex, sext-