sick lietuviškai
sick vertimas a 1) nesveikas; jaučiąs šleikštulį; 2) nuvargęs; atsibodęs; I am sick of waiting man nusibodo laukti; to be sick at heart liūdėti
- air sick (adj.) sergantis jūros liga
- sick headache (n.) migrena
- make (someone) sick erzinti, siutinti
- sick of (adj.) persisotinęs, nerandantis sau vietos
- nursing of the sick (n.) slauga, slaugymas
- sick person (n.) sergantis, nesveikas
- sick to one's stomach (adj.) sergantis, nesveikas, skaudantis, silpnas, blogumo, pykinimo jausmas, jaučiantis šleikštulį, pykinantis, vemiantis
- the sick () ligoniai, sergantieji
- sick leave (n.) laikinojo nedarbingumo atostogos, atostogos dėl ligos
- sick-leave (n.) atostogos dėl ligos
- sick leave (n.) laikinojo nedarbingumo atostogos
- sick-abed (adj.) prikaustytas prie lovos
- care of the sick (n.) slauga, slaugymas
- be sick (v.) vemti, išmesti, versti
- sick as a dog (adj.) sergantis, nesveikas, skaudantis, silpnas, blogumo, pykinimo jausmas, jaučiantis šleikštulį, pykinantis, vemiantis
- sick berth (n.) izoliatorius
- worried sick () iš galvos kraustytis
- (people) people who are sick Type of: people
- (excrete) to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth
- (assail) to urge to attack someone
- (affected, impairment, normal) affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function
- (nauseated) feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit
- (insane) affected with madness or insanity
- (displeased) having a strong distaste from surfeit
- (weak) of light, lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble
- (moved) deeply affected by a strong feeling Similar to: moved
- (alarming) shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
sick sinonimai acerbic, acrid, ailing, airsick, astringent, bad, brainsick, carsick, crazy, demented, diseased, disgusted, distracted, disturbed, fed up, feeble, ghastly, grim, grisly, gruesome, ill, macabre, mad, morbid, nauseated, off one's head, pale, pallid, pathological, poor, pungent, pungently, queasy, seasick, sickish, sickly, sick of, tart, tired of, unbalanced, unhinged, unwell, wan, weak, indisposed, nauseous, off-colour, poorly, rotten, sick as a dog, sick to one's stomach, barf, the sick, vomit, vomitus, puke, be sick, bring up, cast, cat, chuck, disgorge, honk, purge, regorge, regurgitate, retch, spue, throw up, upchuck, vomit, vomit up, barf, puke, spew, spew up